As soon as night had hit we were preparing to go and get Harry. "Ready?" Madeye shouted. We all pushed off on our brooms flying above the clouds so no muggles could see us. "Is that really as fast as you can go?" George shouted. I shook my head looking at Ron. We both narrowed our eyes and pushed ahead racing the twins the entire way there. When we landed I nudged Ron, "we definitely won." Hermione shook her head at us, "very mature you guys."
Hagrid knocked on Harry's door, which he opened only seconds later. His face light up when he saw Ron and Hermione and I slipped to the back letting everyone else go in ahead of me. I turned my back to the door staring down the muggle street, this place looked awful, every house was an exact replica of the one beside it. Who would want to live in a place like this I wondered.
"Get moving Malfoy." Madeye hollered, I quickly spun around coming face to face with Harry. "Alyssa." He whispered, I could see the sadness in his eyes, losing Dumbledore hurt him. He held me close to him, "hey Harry." I stepped back giving him a small smile, "you ready for this?" He didn't even know what the plan was.
We all gathered into their living room Madeye explaining to Harry the plan, Harry argued as expected not wanting any of us to put our life at risk, he then spun around staring at me, "your really okay with this? What is to happen if one of them recognizes you. You're that ready to die?" I shook my head, "they won't, it'll be dark Harry. Focus on yourself here." Fred and George both gave me a small smile causing me to roll my eyes in response.
Madeye handed us the poly juice potion after slipping a piece of Harry's hair into it. "Keep it down." He spat at me when he noticed I was beginning to gag. When I was done transforming I looked down at my now male body. "Get changed." Madeye instructed dumping a bag of identical clothing onto the ground. I hesitantly pulled off my shirt revealing my lacy white bra. "Wow Harry looking good." Fred whistled causing me to hide my bra from everyone else.
"Stay close together everyone. And don't stop no matter what." I mounted my broom kicking off high into the clouds. Shortly into our ride I saw black shooting out on both sides of me. Death eaters were circling around us. George was flying beside me and we were working together to block their curses. I suddenly had three on my side and I was doing well for a bit until I felt an unfamiliar curse hit me. It felt like a blast to the face, and blood was flowing steadily down my face. I wiped my face quickly ignoring the fact that the bleeding wouldn't stop. I heard George scream and when I looked he was in almost the same shape I was. He was bleeding badly, trying to continue defending himself but it was clear we were both hurt.
"Come on George, don't stop." He cried out in pain doing his best to keep going. I could see the burrow and the death eaters were starting to back off a bit. I thought we were in the clear when one last curse blasted from behind us, I grabbed onto George my broom was now falling and my leg was throbbing, "grab on dear," I immediately recognized Remus' voice barely able to keep my eyes open. When we landed George and I both collapsed. My entire shirt was stained with blood and I was feeling extremely weak, I looked down at George to see he had a hole blown into his ear. I prayed there wasn't a hole in the centre of my face. Remus grabbed both of us trying to help us inside. I grunted in pain letting the blood pool into my hand. "Come on now. Almost there."
I collapsed onto the couch, staring up at ceiling. "Is there a hole?" I asked, not sure who was around. "What dear?" Remus asked pressing a hand onto my forehead, I then saw Fred looking down at me. "Yes there's a hole. Two of them actually." I groaned, "fix it please, you have to fix it." Fred laughed, "you want me to fix your two nostrils, I said two holes." I glared up at him not entirely amused. "Come on now, I was only joking." I gave him a small smile, "very funny."

Forgotten Malfoy// Cedric
FanfictionAlyssa Malfoy was the twin sister to Draco, however, unlike him, she was sorted into Gryffindor, and disowned by her father. This takes place starting in the Prisoner of Azkaban, where she feels more alone than ever. Will she find comfort in her unc...