Father apparated me to an open land, it looked almost like a graveyard. I could see death eaters gathered around the tombs, and I was pushed towards them. "Ah Malfoy." My father nodded, not speaking to any of them. He then gave me a deathly stare stepping back. "Your arm." One death eater hissed at me, we were standing over what looked like a giant cauldron. I slowly held it out to him, and he ripped my sleeve up. He quickly took out a knife slicing my arm, drawing blood immediately. My blood fell into the pot, and I jumped back as the man lunged towards me. "It's not working, LUCIOUS you said it would work." My father simply shrugged, "her blood simply isn't enough. You need the boys." The death eaters grinned, "ah and your daughter she's friends with the famous potter isn't she?" My father nodded, making the death eater push me down onto the ground. "Where is the boy exactly." I glared at him, "don't touch me." He cast a spell making my entire body shake. "I'll ask one more time. Where. Is. Harry. Potter?" I spat back, "I would never tell you anything about Harry." This made my father get down with us. "Hold her down." He instructed the death eater, he then grabbed his knife pressing it down onto my arm. "Start talking." I glared at my father, "never." He smiled, "suit yourself."
The knife got pressed into my skin, and it wasn't long before I was thrashing all over the ground, begging him to stop. He started just below my elbow and finished at my wrist. "Blood traitor," was now carved deeply into my arm. I stayed on my back gasping for air, watching the blood trickle down my arm. The death eater stood up staring angrily at my father. "Don't come back until she's ready to talk." My father ripped me up from off the ground apparating us home. When we landed he aggressively threw me to the ground. "You almost ruined everything for us." I looked down at my arm, "I hate you, more than anything in this entire world." He chucked swinging his wand case down hard against my face. "Where is the boy?" I shook my head, "I'm not telling you anything."
He turned like he was about to walk out but last minute he spun around casting the crucio curse towards me. It felt like time had stopped, thousands of knives were digging into me. I screamed and I pleaded for him to stop but he wouldn't. "LUCIOUS." My mother shouted taking it off, I collapsed down hard onto the floor. "Get her into the basement." My mother quickly rushed over to me helping me stand. "Mom I can't do it." She threw my arm around my shoulder basically carrying me down the stairs. "Why did they do this?" I groaned as she propped me up against the basement wall. "I won't tell them anything. I can't." She pushed my hair out of my face wiping my tears, "your father will kill you, he's planning it Alyssa." I cried leaning my head against the cement wall, "I'm sorry mom." She kissed my forehead softly, "I'm going to help you." I gave her a small smile, it's the only thing I could manage. My entire body was in an extreme amount of pain, breathing hurt, my face was bloodied and bruised, mascara ran down my cheeks, and my arm was burning from the knife. "I'll get you water, sweetheart." I started sobbing, which made my body hurt even more. Slowly I raised my arm staring at the bracelet. He was going to kill me, I had to leave. Without thinking I did as Lupin instructed, I didn't want to die here.
I could hear my mother getting a glass, and out of the corner of my eye. Professor Lupin appeared, when he saw the state I was in he quickly ran to my side. "I need help," I sobbed. He nodded not saying anything, instead he carefully pulled me up helping me stand. We heard footsteps come down the stairs. "Wait," I whispered. My mother saw Lupin with me, and she sighed. She cupped my face in her hands, "I'm sorry baby," she cried. I hugged her tightly. "I love you mum, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for everything." She shook her head wiping my tears, "don't be." She put her forehead against mine, "I love you more than you could ever imagine." She then turned to Lupin, "Remus, please keep her safe." He nodded, "I will, I promise." I gave my mums hand a quick squeeze before bracing myself to apparated. When we got to where we were, I collapsed hard onto the ground, the pain was almost unbearable. My vision was going blurry, and I couldn't hear the voices around me.

Forgotten Malfoy// Cedric
FanfictionAlyssa Malfoy was the twin sister to Draco, however, unlike him, she was sorted into Gryffindor, and disowned by her father. This takes place starting in the Prisoner of Azkaban, where she feels more alone than ever. Will she find comfort in her unc...