Chapter 79

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I was leaning against the rocks, and from above I watched a giant dragon fly directly above me, three people dropped from it into the water. I pushed myself up staring at the people who were swimming towards me. I ducked down into the rocks not ready to be seen, it could be anyone. I heard their voices coming closer and I recognized their voices. "Harry." I yelled waving at the three of them. They began running towards me, and I laughed happily. I didn't have to find them, they found me. "Alyssa, what happened?" I hugged them all smiling in relief, "I made it out, you should have more faith in me." Hermione hugged me again, "you look awful." I shrugged, "I'd reckon I do."

I hit Harry, "I have something to tell you." He nodded, "what is it?" I sighed, "I was angry, I couldn't help myself." He raised his eyebrow, "continue Alyssa." I bit my lip, "I killed Peter." Ron's mouth dropped, "you killed someone." I shook my head, "I'm sorry Harry I couldn't wait, I was so bloody angry." He nodded, "you shouldn't be sorry, thank you, you were right to do that. After Cedric." I gave him a small smile, "so what's the plan?"

The four of us apparated to Hogsmeade, trying to find a way into Hogwarts. The moment we landed alarms went off and we started to run. We avoided anyone we saw until we ended up in front of a gate, "in here." A man whispered. We snuck in and I looked around the moment he shut the door, this was Dumbledores brother. I watched as he sent a little girl in the portrait away. "Who is that?" I asked. Harry answered for the man, "that's their sister, she died at a very young age." When the girl came back I saw someone else with her.

The portrait swung open and Neville stood in the entrance. "Neville." I smiled, stepping into the walkway with him. "What happened to your face?" He looked at me, "have you seen yourself?" I laughed, and made my way down the pathway behind him. When it swung open we stepped out into the castle. A group of Gryffindors were seated there, and when they saw Harry they stood up applauding him.

I looked around staring as Ginny came running into the room. "Snape knows, he knows Harry was spotted in Hogsmeade. He knows Alyssa escaped the Malfoys. And he thinks that you two are here now." I looked at Harry giving him a small nod. All students were called down to the great hall, which made me ask one Gryffindor for their extra robes, I passed Harry a set as well. "We're really doing this?" I nodded, "have a better plan?"

We marched along with the other students stopping once we had reached our spot in the great hall, we both kept our heads down, listening intently. "As many of you know, Harry Potter has been spotted in Hogsmeade, if any of you attempt to hide or protect Harry the punishment will be severe, student or staff." Harry grabbed my hand pulling me out of the crowd. "Despite your best efforts headmaster it seems you still have a slight security issue, isn't that right Alyssa?" I nodded glaring at the man, "it would appear so Harry." I glared at Snape, "you're pathetic." Harry shook his head, "how dare you stand where he stood. He trusted you, and you betrayed him."

The doors behind us were pushed open and I turned around watching Kingsley, Remus, Tonks, Fred, George, and several others walk in. I tried hard to hide my smile reminding myself why we were here. Snape quickly pulled out his wand and I did the same, shoving Harry hard. "Alyssa step aside." McGonagall instructed. I ignored her and hit him with a curse which he rebounded immediately. McGonagall did the same as me and together we tried to get him, but he took off leaving a spiral of black behind him. "Coward." She spat, and I agreed, making her give me a small smile, "good to have you back dear." I turned around helping Harry up, at the same time a voice began whispering, burning my ears. "Harry Potter, I know that many of you want to fight, some of you may even think that to fight is wise. Give me Harry Potter, and Hogwarts shall remain unharmed, give me Harry Potter and you will be rewarded. You have one hour."

I stared at him wide eyed, "go get what you need." I made my way to everyone else letting Remus kneel down hugging me tightly, "they wrote to me about Bellatrix." I smiled, "Im alright." He nodded, "what's your plan?" I looked back at Ron and Hermione, "we're good Alyssa, help them." I bit my lip following Remus up to one side of the castle. My eyes widened when I saw the number of death eaters out there, "Remus I have to tell you something." He turned to me waiting, "I killed someone." I watched as his eyes narrowed. "Peter." He sighed looking out over the castle, "thank you, for telling me, and for doing that. I'm sure that's not something I should be congratulating you on, but he had it coming. Whatever happens Alyssa I want you to remember how much I love you, you gave my life so much more meaning, and I appreciate it." I nodded sighing, "I'll find you in a bit," I took one more look at Voldemort's army before saying, "I love you too."

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