When I got back to the common room I pulled on a pair of tight jeans and the sweater Mrs. Weasley knitted for me. I then met up with Ron, Hermione and Harry in the common room. "Guys I think we should go see Hagrid... you know before," I insisted they all agreed and we walked out of the castle seeing Draco and his friends hiding behind a rock. Hermione started running at them. "Ahh come to see the show?" Draco asked. "You foul and loated evil little cockroach." She held her wand up to his neck. "Hermione no." I said pulling her back. "He's not worth it." Ron whispered. I was about to turn away but I lunged forward punching Draco hard in the nose. His friends carried him away, and I could hear him crying in pain. My father will not be happy.
Hagrid poured us all tea and I smiled as he handed Ron Scabbers. Hermione was going off on him and I jumped as a rock flew in from the window it smashed the vase. And then another hit Harry. I gulped as the executors came our way. We quickly ran out hiding behind the pumpkins. When it was clear the three of us ran back up towards the castle. I stood behind a rock staring down. The executor lifted the giant axe and I grabbed Harry's hand as it came swinging down.
"Scabbers," Ron cried. His finger was bleeding from where the rat bit him. We followed him to the whomping willow. My heart stopped when Ron told us to run. "The grim." I quickly ran towards Ron about to pull him up. But the dog lunged biting his leg. "Alyssa, don't you dare let me go." His grip on my arm was too strong even if I wanted to. "Ron. Let me go." I cried when I saw we were heading towards the whomping willow. We got pulled into it and when I stood up we were in the shrieking shack. Sirius Black stood infront of us. "Ronald." He gripped my hand nervously. "Ronald Weasley, yes?" And I know who you are, cousin." I bit my lip stepping back.
Harry and Hermione came barging in, "it's a trap." Ron yelled. The two of them stood there wide eyes when they noticed Sirius right in front of them. "You'll have to kill us before Harry." Sirius laughed, "only one will die tonight." Harry lunged forward, "then it will be you." Harry got on top of Sirius he had his wand raised until professor Lupin barged in, he helped Sirius up, hugging him. All I heard was bits of their conversation. "Let's kill him." Hermione screamed, "NO, I trusted you. All this time you've been his friend, he's a werewolf that's why he's been missing classes." Lupin smiled, "well well Hermione you really are the brightest witch of your age." I sighed not ready to die. "Enough talk Remus, let's kill him." Lupin sighed annoyed, "WAIT." Sirius glared at him, "I did my waiting twelve years of it in Azkaban." Professor sighed, "very well kill him, but Harry has the right to know why." Sirius started screaming for Peter, and I took a deep breath as Snape ran up the stairs. "Severus." Lupin stepped forward. Snape pointed his wand at him. "How I hoped I'd be the one to catch you." Harry held up Hermione's wand throwing Snape back. Sirius stepped up, "the real person who betrayed your parents is right there." He pointed at Ron who gasped, "me? He's mental." Sirius scoffed, "not you, your rat." They began casting spells at the rat and from it appeared the ugliest man I've ever seen. Sirius and Lupin had the man called Peter pettigrew up against the wall. Just as they were about to kill him, Harry stopped them, he insisted Peter should go to the dementors instead.
"Very well," Sirius said leaving the shack, Lupin had Peter, Hermione Harry and Ron were ahead. I stayed back looking around this place. If I was ever desperate I could hide out here I thought. "Alyssa, come on now." I nodded following Lupin and Peter. When I walked out I saw Harry and Sirius starting at the castle. I'm glad he got to find someone to look out for him, someone who cared. I sighed sitting down a ways from Ron and Hermione staring at the sky. I bit my lip as Lupin and Peter came out. Peter kneeled down beside me, "and now what is your name sweetheart." I sighed, "Alyssa." He nodded, "that's a beautiful name sweet girl, will you help me? Please?" I simply turned away, and professor grabbed him ripping Peter away from me. "Don't speak to her." Sirius came over pushing Peter back hard, then turned to me. "Another disappointment from the black family huh?" I nodded slowly, he held out his hand pulling me up. "Not to worry. I'll help you out." I gave him a small smile, "I don't think you can." He shrugged, "you should put more faith in me." I sighed, "it's not easy to trust someone you just met."
"Harry." Hermione shouted the three of us turned to look at the full moon. I stood paralyzed as Lupin began transforming. Snape ran out at the same time, he was just about to yell at Harry but he turned and saw Lupin. Snape stepped back pushing us all behind him, I hugged Harry tightly. "It's okay Lyss." Sirius in the dog form jumped at Lupin trying to get him away from us. They ran off fighting and Harry followed, I did the same ignoring professor snapes orders for us to stop. We ran down to the water and I gasped as Sirius lay unresponsive. "Sirius," Harry whispered. I started shaking him. I bit my lip as several deathwaters circled around us. They started swooping down, trying to get to Sirius. Harry was working on his patronous. Without thinking I threw myself on top of Sirius making the dementors come at me instead. I instantly went cold, all my worst memories played through my head and I was shaking uncontrollably. "Alyssa don't." I stayed still allowing myself to fall into a dark place, anything is better then going home I reassured myself.

Forgotten Malfoy// Cedric
FanfictionAlyssa Malfoy was the twin sister to Draco, however, unlike him, she was sorted into Gryffindor, and disowned by her father. This takes place starting in the Prisoner of Azkaban, where she feels more alone than ever. Will she find comfort in her unc...