Chapter 76

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I pulled my hair up the next morning wearing a pair of jeans and Sirius' sweater. We all packed up and began walking to the Lovegoods. I let my hand touch the weeds lining the field we were walking through. "Do you think he'll have our answers?" I asked Hermione. She shrugged, "I hope so."

We got up on the steps and I banged on the door, an older looking man opened it staring down at me. "Who are you? What do you want?" Harry stepped up, "Harry Potter sir, can we come in?" The man stepped aside leading us upstairs.

"What can I do for you all?" He asked. Harry pointed at his necklace, "that symbol sir what does it mean?" He looked down at it, "this? Are you familiar with the story about the three brothers?" I nodded remembering how my mother used to read that to me. Only Harry was unfamiliar with the tale. I sat back and listened to the story of the brothers, the stone, the invisibility cloak, and the elderly wand. "Rumour has it Ms. Malfoy was left the elder wand upon Dumbledores death." The other three seemed unbothered by this news. "Did you guys know about this?" I asked. Harry nodded, "we weren't exactly supposed to say anything. Technically the wand belongs to the person who killed the previous owner." I scoffed, "you're saying it belongs to Snape." Hermione shook her head, "we don't know. It's never exactly been left to someone, and knowing Dumbledore we think he's done something to make the wand belong to you." I nodded, "like an enchantment?" She sighed, "yes, the problem is Voldemort's going to want that wand." I bit my lip, "so you're saying if it belongs to me, he's coming after me." Harry nodded, "but we're not going to let him get to you. That's why we're hunting horcruxes."

The man went down stairs to get us more tea and Ron stood up, "let's get out of here." We met the man down there and Hermione thanked him, "we better get going." He slammed his hand down, "NO. You can't go." I stepped back, "why not?" He spun around, "they have her, my Luna." Seconds later black began shooting through the building, death eaters were all around glass was shattering and I jumped underneath the table extending my hand to theirs. Hermione apparated us back to the forest, I began walking, "that was too close." I took another step and suddenly a man stood directly infront of me I stepped back scared. "Alyssa Malfoy, isn't that right dear?" I shoved him back and began running, Harry Ron and Hermione followed me. I turned around fighting them off trying to keep a clear path of where I was going.

We all fought hard and ran as quick as we could but they caught up. When I saw we were surrounded I gave up, trying to stay focused. "Name?" The one who seemed to be in charge snarled at Hermione. "Penelope Clearwater, half blood." The man checked their alleged names, "their not registered, and we know who this one is." He said nodding at me. I watched as he stepped forward pushing Harry's hair out of his face laughing when he saw the scar. "Change of plans, we're not taking this lot to the ministry." I tried to back up but the one firmly grabbed my arm, "where do you think you're going lovely?" I started to fight, "I need you to let me go. Please." He shook his head, "no can do princess."

We started walking, and this death eater dragged me along, we were behind everyone else when I stopped walking. "Which one of you is in charge?" He scoffed, "That'd be me." I nodded, "can you tell me one thing?" He raised his eyebrow, "what do I get in return." I sighed, "Would I know where you're taking us?" He smiled, "did you miss daddy princess?" My heart stopped and my eyes widened, "you can't take me there." The man shoved me forward, "keep walking princess." I shook my head, and without thinking I kicked the man and tried to make a break for it. I didn't make it too far before I felt myself get thrown to the ground. "Sorry lovely. Shouldn't try those things with me." I sighed as he pulled me back up. The rest of them had stopped and were staring at us. "Tell them you're sorry princess, holding them all up." I closed my eyes, spitting out blood. "Shes just not ready to go home." Hermione shook her head, "we're going to Malfoys?" Instead of answering they forced us ahead, and I did my best to ignore the man trying to talk to me. "Sorry about your face there princess." I shook my head, "don't you talk to me." We stopped infront of my old house, I looked up in horror at the giant black gates, I wasn't making it out of this.

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