I sat on my bed holding the package in front of me. First I pulled out a letter,
Dear Alyssa,
Hello darling. I've heard everything your father has said to you. I'm very sorry sweetheart, although I do not have much say in the matter. I want you to know I'll always love you no matter what. It will be best if you don't write back.
Love mommyMy eyes were watering as I read this, I then proceeded to the little package that was attached. Inside was a tiny ring that had a small snake on it. It looked like it was once my mother's. I slid it on starting down at it in awe. It sparkled as I rotated my hand. I tapped it lightly and whispered "thanks mom."
I gave myself a quick check in the mirror before heading to my detention. I knocked on the door letting myself in. "Alyssa, hello." I nodded sitting down in front of the desk. "Today I will be asking you to help me grade papers, as we did previous detention." He sighed as I grabbed a stack and began marking. "You know this is your forth detention before the break?" I nodded staying silent. "Usually we are asked to write to parents." I scoffed, "well best of luck with that one." He stood up, "enough." I sank down, "yes sir." Lupin crossed his arms, "I'm not sure where you think drinking will get you, but I can promise it is not the solution to anything. And your grades have dropped significantly. It's time to face reality." I looked down not sure of what to say, "it was one mistake. I've never really drank before that." He nodded, "yes you made that quite obvious last night." I bit my lip. "Are you ready to do something to help yourself?" I shrugged, "I don't think there's any way for me to catch up this year."
He sighed, "you're here over Christmas correct?" I nodded, not impressed with the reminder. "Alright I think I can help with classes. However, you're gonna start making an effort." I raised my eyebrows confused. "It means trying in school, not engaging in ridiculous activities." I nodded, "I understand." He sat back down, "I'm sorry I'm being harsh, but I don't see another way to get through right now." I started marking again, if I was being honest the past week I had been quite miserable, break started tomorrow and I wasn't looking forward to it. "Is there anything you want to talk about?" Professor Lupin asked sitting back. "Not really." He nodded, "holdidays are tomorrow you must be feeling something." I shook my head, "it doesn't matter whether it's holidays or not." He grabbed my stack of papers, "I'm assuming you haven't told anyone else yet?" I looked away, "no part of me wants them to know. I love them all but when it comes time for summer break, they're not gonna want to take me in. Weasleys already have a full house." Lupin sighed, "I think you need to put more faith in your friends. Sirius did when he was a kid." I rolled my eyes, "well I'm nothing like that man." He threw his arms up, "it's like you don't want help. You're choosing to suffer." I glared at him, "no I'm not. You asked me to talk and I am. You don't know anything about my life or what it was like growing up. My family wants absolutely nothing to do with me, and I'm fine with that. What else is there to say. I'm not suffering, I'm moving on."
Professor Lupin looked at me with sympathy. "I'm sure as hell not anyone's charity case, not yours, Dumbledores, Weasleys, Harry's. I'm just fine the way I am, why do you constantly think I need help." He stood up once more, "do you not see yourself. You are far from okay. And you aren't accepting the fact that you may actually need help. But if you're not trying neither am I. You can show yourself out." Angrily I stormed out of the classroom right back to my dorm. I collapsed on my bed hugging my pillow staring at the ceiling. Eventually I drifted off into a deep sleep.

Forgotten Malfoy// Cedric
FanfictionAlyssa Malfoy was the twin sister to Draco, however, unlike him, she was sorted into Gryffindor, and disowned by her father. This takes place starting in the Prisoner of Azkaban, where she feels more alone than ever. Will she find comfort in her unc...