I opened my eyes to see Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey standing over me. I closed my eyes again confused, "Alyssa." When I checked again they were still there Lupin was sitting beside my bed it looked like he hadn't slept. "How are you feeling?" He asked. I shrugged, "what happened last night." Madam Pomfrey pressed a cool cloth against my forehead, "you fainted dear, great amount of pain you're in. Drink this you'll start to feel a little less pain." I did as she said gagging slightly. "I never said it tasted good." Dumbledore smiled down at me, as she left the room, "do you like it here?" I looked over at Remus nodding, "yes, thank you." He nodded, "we said we'd help." I leaned my head back, "where's Sirius." Dumbledore looked at the door before answers, "hiding, he is still known as a killer to the rest of the wizarding world." I bit my lip feeling dumb for asking. "I think you need for rest, Madam Pomfrey left Remus healing potions, he will give you those as needed. Enjoy the rest of your summer." I gave him a small wave goodbye, then turning to face Remus.
"You scared us last night? Do you remember what happened?" I nodded slowly, "I wasn't feeling well and then... actually no I can't really remember." Remus sighed, "you weren't well. Don't push yourself too hard Alyssa." I bit my lip, "Sorry, for scaring you guys like that." He smiled softly, "no need to apologize. Now, do you feel strong enough to come downstairs?" I took a deep breath swinging my legs over the bed, he held out his arm which I took for support. "Does the cruico curse usually hurt people this bad." He pulled out a chair for me, "it depends, you're young, smaller, but it wasn't the only form of abuse, it could be a combination of everything." I nodded, trying to contain my anger at my father for this. "Are you hungry?" I shook my head no. "That's alright, we'll play a game." I smiled slightly as he pulled out wizards chess. "You play often?" I shook my head no, "I've watched Fred and George play loads of times though." He chuckled, "those two would've gave James and Sirius a run for their money." I smiled, "I bet they would've." He placed the game on the table setting up all the pieces. "Alright you start." I thought about my move, not really sure what to do though. As I moved the piece I pulled my hand back quickly as it yelled, "what in the bloody hell are you doing?" I stared at it confused, Remus laughed again, "I forgot to mention it's a talking set, we cursed it ourselves when we were younger." He motioned at Sirius as he walked in. Sirius smiled at the chess set, "I don't blame it for yelling at you, what was that move kid?" I shrugged, "I don't really know how to play." He sighed sitting down beside me. "Bring it on moony." Remus moved his piece, and I sat waiting for the piece to yell at him, but it never happened. Sirius whispered in my ear, "alright you're gonna move that piece forward." I nodded doing as he directed, "stupid girl." I rolled my eyes at the piece, as Sirius tried to hide his laughter. "You told me to move it there." He shrugged, "who said I was on your team." I gave him a side eye focusing on Remus' move. "You going to help her out this time padfoot?" Sirius smiled moving the piece leaning back and winking. I basically watched the rest of the game, learning more about the rules. I then played a few rounds on my own, Remus won each time but I learned some new strategy's as well.
"Alright dinner time." Remus shook my hand, "you did good.... well as good as could be expected." I gave him a fake glare walking slowly into the kitchen, "what are you wanting Alyssa?" I shrugged, "I'm not very hungry." Sirius shook his head, "not an acceptable answer, you haven't ate all day." I sighed looking at the options. "How about some soup?" Remus suggested. I nodded, "alright." Sirius waved his wand and three bowls were placed on the counter in-front of us. "Eat up." I played around with the liquid not having much interest in eating. "Unless you want Remus to feed you that like a baby, start eating." Sirius instructed. Remus narrowed his eyes, "why would I be doing that?" Sirius scoffed, "because you're the father figure here." Me and Remus both looked at Sirius confused. "What does that make you?" Remus asked. He smiled, "I'm the fun uncle. Right Alyssa?" I bit my lip holding back my smile, "I think you're both quite bossy." They looked at each other shocked, "did you hear that right moony?" Sirius asked. Remus shook his head in disbelief, "bossy now huh? That's what you heard too padfoot?" Sirius stood up walked towards me, "now who you calling bossy." He cast a tickling charm my way, immediately making me burst into laughter. He kept it on for almost a minute. "Please stop." I said in between laughter. Remus took it off himself, "was there something you were saying about being bossy?" I was gasping for air, "no no, you must've heard me wrong." He raised his eyebrow, "well we must've, better eat up, before we warn you again. Is that being bossy padfoot?" Sirius shrugged, "I don't think that's bossy. I just think that's truthful." I rolled my eyes taking small spoonfuls of soup. "Your eyes are going to roll right out of your head." When I was finished eating I set my plate in the sink, and Remus set a charm magically doing the dishes. "Is it alright if I lay down?" I asked tiredly. They nodded, "goodnight Alyssa."

Forgotten Malfoy// Cedric
FanfictionAlyssa Malfoy was the twin sister to Draco, however, unlike him, she was sorted into Gryffindor, and disowned by her father. This takes place starting in the Prisoner of Azkaban, where she feels more alone than ever. Will she find comfort in her unc...