Chapter 81

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I left the great hall too overwhelmed to do anything useful. I sat down on the stairs setting my head in my hands. Ron and Hermione came out shortly after sitting down beside me. Hermione wrapped her arm around me, and I leaned in taking a deep breath. "I'm so sorry Alyssa." I shook my head, "let's just not talk about it, any of it." She nodded, gently setting her head against mine.

Harry came running down the steps behind us minutes later. "You're not going to the forest." I whispered. He nodded, "I am and I have too. There's a piece of him in me, and I think you and Hermione knew that." I stared at him, "I'm not letting you go." Harry stepped forward wrapping his arms around me, "you're gonna be fine Alyssa." I looked at him with tears in my eyes, "how can you say that, after everything?" He continued holding me, but started talking to Ron and Hermione, "kill the snake, and then it's just Voldemort. Take care of her." I stepped back, "no you don't get to pretend to care about me, you know very well I'm not going to be alright, not after losing you too." I wiped my tears, trying to hold my anger back, "HARRY YOU KNOW BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE IF YOU LEAVE I'VE LOST EVERYTHING, YOU CANT DO THIS." He ignored me, continuing down the stairs. Hermione gently placed her hand on my shoulder, "don't touch me." I whispered walking away. I stood at the edge of the black lake, staring at my reflection. If I lost Harry I lost the last bit of hope I had. He was my person, my best friend. We went through everything together, and he was ending it because he didn't want to fight back. Maybe there was a piece of him in Voldemort in him, but he owed it to everyone to at least try. After everything we've all lost, we deserved a chance, and Harry was that chance.

Ron and Hermione found me close to an hour later. "Alyssa please. Come with us." I stared at her, "what happened?" She grabbed my hand, and together we walked outside. I saw Voldemort and all the death eaters lining one side of the courtyard, and everyone from Hogwarts on the other. Hagrid stepped forward carrying a body, I knew immediately that it was Harry.

Voldemort stepped forward, and screamed, "HARRY POTTER IS DEAD." Ginny lunged forward and I just stood there staring at his lifeless body. "Now you all put your faith in me. Come over to our side." My father stepped forward reaching out his hand, "Draco. Come." Draco reluctantly and slowly walked over to him, Voldemort stopped him and gave him a awkward hug, and I watched as Draco walked into my mother's arms.

I took my anger, and loss as my opportunity to call the wand to me. It worked as Snape assured me it would. Voldemort stopped, staring at me, "YOU." I stepped forward staring at the man with hatred, "not dead am I?" He turned around grabbing Bellatrixs wand, and I held up the elderly wand. "Alyssa, don't." Ron and Hermione warned me. I weighed my options carefully, Voldemort was strong I couldn't be sure this wand would work against him. If he killed me the wand would belong to him, and then it would answer only to him. "You're all pathetic," I spat at the death eaters. "Acting like we're the ones who should be scared, it's clear who's afraid and who isn't." I turned to my father, and Draco, "you're both incredibly weak, and a very sad excuse for a family. However, even after everything you've done, I forgive you. I don't know if I'm strong enough for this, but the people behind me are and I know they'll win because you don't have any power, you don't even have a wand that answers to you." Voldemort chuckled, "stupid girl I'm going to kill you, that wand will be mine." I smiled, "you probably will kill me, but this wand won't be yours."

I turned around smiling at Ron and Hermione, and then George and the rest of the Weasleys. "Thank you for everything, I mean it. You were all my family, and I owe you everything." I turned back to face Voldemort once more, "you won't win." As I said that I took the wand snapping it in half. "NOO." Voldemort screamed. I quickly pulled out my own wand, fighting back. I watched our curses meet each other somewhere in the middle. I pushed hard fighting like I hadn't before, for a moment my wand was overpowering his. From the corner of my eye, I saw Harry drop from Hagrid arms.

That's all it took just a matter of a second, I was too stunned to move. He was alive, and Voldemort took advantage of my vulnerability. I heard him shout the curse but I didn't feel it hit me. Instead I felt myself being lifted, and when I looked down, I saw my body sprawled out on the concrete, and I saw Harry chasing dangerously after Voldemort. Many Hogwarts students stared at my body, just as shocked as I was. This is what Cedric felt, what Remus, Sirius, Fred and Tonks felt. I was scared, but for some reason I felt comfortable, I wasn't in any more pain. I took a deep breath closing my eyes, enjoying this new feeling, something I truly hadn't felt before.

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