A couple days had passed and I was making my way down to the courtyard, today was our trip to Hogsmeade. I held my slip tightly and stepped back in horror when I ran into my father. He stood glaring down at me. "You little bitch," he hissed, ripping me away from all the other students. Dumbledore, who was walking with my father quickly followed. "Why don't we go to my office." My father held my wrist tightly, pulling me along. Professor Lupin sat up there waiting to talk to Dumbledore. "Who do you think you are." My father yelled. "You disgusting little blood traitor." He pulled me hard into the office letting go at the last second so I slammed against the office wall. "I told you to stay away from those Weasleys and potter." I nodded slowly pushing myself against the wall, "you did everything in your power to disobey me, and bring dishonour to our name." He lunged forward making me gasp, he snatched my Hogsmeade form and ripped it into tiny pieces. "I promise you your life is going to be NOTHING but miserable. Don't bother coming home, you disgrace." He spat. "You're not welcome at our home no longer." Father raised his hand like he was about to hit me, "Lucious," Dumbledore began, my father turned to Dumbledore, "you'll be hearing from me." The headmaster stood up walking my father out and I will still in shock. I couldn't look at Professor Lupin, I was embarrassed and felt absolutely terrified. My hands were shaking, and I felt a hole in my stomach. I pushed my way out of the doors making my way into a stairwell where I knew I'd be alone.
Tears streamed steadily down my face, I didn't know what was going to happen to me now. I felt more alone and scared then ever. "Ah and here you are. I've been looking around the castle, even ran into Harry." I turned around to see Lupin. He was the last person I wanted here, my father made me look weak, made me feel like I was nothing, what made it worse was that there were people there, watching and listening. I spun back around wiping tears off my face quickly. He sat down beside me and I did everything I could to avoid eye contact. "I'm sorry that he said those things." I nodded, "me too." Lupin looked down at his hands, "I know I don't know everything about your family, but I'm almost positive that you're much better off away from it all." I scoffed, "I'm better off alone? With absolutely no one?" He smiled, "I don't think your alone, you have great friends." I nodded, "how do you know I'm better off away from my family?" He shrugged, "I used to know someone, in your family. It doesn't matter who, but they told us about what happened there. He was sorted into Gryffindor like you, and I'm sure you can understand how he was treated." I sniffled, "I don't know what I'm going to do now." Professor Lupin sighed, "I don't know either, but I do know you're much better off without your father." I nodded, "I don't feel better." He sat back, "well I don't imagine you would feel good right now. I can tell you something though." I looked up, "I'll take anything right now." He smiled kindly, "I think we both know the cut on your face wasn't from a fall. You're getting away from all that mental and physical abuse." I shook my head embarrassed. "I'm someone you don't have to be afraid to talk to. There's a good start right? You still have all your friends." I sighed, "I'm gonna miss my mom." He chuckled, "your mother, what was she like?" I smiled thinking about her, "I could tell she loved me as best as she could with my father around. She made sure that I knew it was okay I got put in Gryffindor." Professor Lupin looked at me with compassion, "I can't understand what you're going through, but I promise I will keep it to myself, and please feel free to come and talk whenever. I'm usually in my office, and have been told I'm a good listener." I nodded, "thank you, for talking to me. I'm sure you have better things to do." He shrugged, "not particularly, remember anytime you need to talk. Don't forget I was close with someone who went through the same thing you are, I may have some advice." I smiled, "yes professor." He nodded, "good, keep up with your classes I'm sure you don't want another detention with Professor Snape." I scoffed waving goodbye.

Forgotten Malfoy// Cedric
FanfictionAlyssa Malfoy was the twin sister to Draco, however, unlike him, she was sorted into Gryffindor, and disowned by her father. This takes place starting in the Prisoner of Azkaban, where she feels more alone than ever. Will she find comfort in her unc...