When we got to the common room everyone was cheering for Harry, Fred and George had him in the air. "Cedric did wonderful." Hermione said. I smiled, "they both did." She nodded, "have you heard about the ball?" I shook my head, "keep it to yourself apparently it's supposed to happen over the holidays. "I've been to many balls or party's that were held at home. They sucked." She laughed, "this will be different we'll all be there." I agreed, just as a loud shrieking sound came from the egg Harry was holding. "Bloody hell." I whispered, Hermione clamped her hands over her ears, and Harry slammed it shut.
I stepped out of the way as Ronald made his way up to Harry, Hermione smiled at me and I turned away to give the two of them privacy, "were going to be normal again, those two will stop bickering finally." I nodded sitting on the couch, Harry collapsed beside me. "You did amazing Harry." He smiled, "you think so?" I nudged him, "I know so." Ron sat down on the ground in front of us, "do you know what the next task is?" Harry shook his head. "It's got to have something to do with that egg." Hermione insisted, I agreed. "I'll talk to Cedric, he owes you for the dragons anyway." Harry gave me a grateful smile and I stood up, "goodnight." Hermione joined me, "night boys." I collapsed on my bed exhausted from today.
"Alyssa, wake up." Hermione shook me. "There's no classes." She ripped my blankets off, "McGonagall wants to talk to all of us." I rolled out of bed pulling on one of Sirius' sweaters and a pair of leggings, throwing my hair up. We met up with Ron and Harry walking down together. We took our seats on the back bench, Fred and George stood beside us. "The Yule ball." McGonagall said standing infront of us. I listened as she explained the ball, she then called on Ron. I bit my lip trying not to laugh as Ron was told to place his hand on her waist, they then began dancing. Seeing Fred and George laughing made it almost impossible to stiffle mine. "Boys, girls up." She instructed, immediately all of the girls shot up, and the boys took slightly longer to join. I grabbed Harry, dancing around the room with him. "You're not half bad Malfoy." I rolled my eyes, "you're not the greatest potter." He ignored that comment, attempting to dip me, he caught me last second before I hit the floor. "Let's not do that again." He laughed. I nodded in agreement, "you are awful." Harry hit me lightly, "what makes you think you're so great." I rolled my eyes, "I grew up at these stupid balls." He nodded, "that makes sense."
When we were done our dance lesson, the four of us made our way to the dining hall. Owls flew in and a letter dropped down in front of me. I didn't hesitate to open it, setting aside the package that came with it
Dear other disowned,
Hello dear, it has been a while, I'm sorry about the World Cup, and your professor that should've never happened. Nonetheless, the triwizard tournament. Cedric and Harry both entered, that must be a tad stressful, it is a dangerous tournament. However, I'm sure with your help they're doing fine. I've heard about the ball, I'll miss you this holdidays, but the summer will come soon enough. Remus wishes you the best, this last moon took a bit out of him, he's resting, but it's obvious he's missing you and I feel the same, I hope your classes are going well, and Cedric's treating you well. I've attached a necklace, I'm hoping you would consider wearing this to the ball, I picked it out I'm not sure what colour you were planning so I was hoping silver was neutral enough. You'll have a wonderful time, we miss and love you so very much.
- disowned 1, and RemusI smiled at the letter holding the package. "Is that from Sirius?" I nodded, "he picked me out a necklace for the ball." Harry looked at the box, "well open it." I pulled the packaging off and stared at the tiny gem, it glistened in the light. "It's stunning." Hermione whispered. I stared at it, "I love it." Harry smiled, "they really care about you Alyssa, each letter they send me Sirius asks for a full report on you." I laughed, "it's because they don't trust me." Hermione scoffed, "well you are doing okay? Right?" I smiled, "I'm doing very well." She lay her head on my shoulder, "I'm proud of you." When we were done eating I grabbed the letter and package running into Cedric. "Hello there," he leaned down kissing me. "Hey I have a quick question Lyss." I nodded. "Do you like big proposals or would you prefer a small one?" I laughed, "yes Cedric I'll go to the ball with you." He crossed his arms, "it's that easy?" I smiled, "it's that easy Ced." He kissed me again, "that's why I love you."

Forgotten Malfoy// Cedric
FanfictionAlyssa Malfoy was the twin sister to Draco, however, unlike him, she was sorted into Gryffindor, and disowned by her father. This takes place starting in the Prisoner of Azkaban, where she feels more alone than ever. Will she find comfort in her unc...