Chapter 63

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The next morning we were sent to diagon alley, I was taken back by the torn down buildings, the place was a mess. "You coming?" Hermione asked. I nodded, following her into the twins new joke shop. It was bright and happy, and it stood out compared to every other shop.

When the door was opened, I heard immediate laughter. There were kids everywhere picking out their items, testing things out, it was hilarious. I broke off from the other three making my way to the balcony. I stood over top staring down at everyone. "Alyssa." I spun around looking at the twins. "Nice shop." They nodded looking around, and I did the same. "Let's find you something, I think you could use a laugh." I smiled, "no I'm alright honestly." Fred stood beside me, and I rested my head on his arm. "It's not fair, Hogwarts won't be the same without you guys there." George laughed, "well you'll be coming to visit won't you?" I nodded, "of course. I'm just going to miss my best friends." Fred smirked, "you hear that George she's going miss us." I nudged him, "promise me something. You won't go anywhere. Not until I'm dead anyway." They nodded, "promise."

Ron walked up the stairs, telling me that we were leaving. "Goodbye." I waved at the twins hurrying down the stairs. "Look everyone got their wands here." I stared at the shop, that was completely torn apart. Harry pushed open the door and we all followed him in. "Guys." Ron whispered. "Is it me or does Draco and mommy look like two people who don't want to be followed." I looked out the window pushing my hand up against the glass. Before I could think I shoved the door open running after them.

"Mum." I called. The two of them spun around in the alley. "Alyssa. What are you doing?" I stared at the two of them, "you know what Bellatrix did right?" My mum shook her head, "I know and I am sorry about Sirius, but we have to..." I stopped her glaring at Draco, "what the hell are you guys doing?" They looked at each other not answering. "So that's it you're done with me?" My mum shook her head, "I can't get you involved in this too. I love you darling. But I can't do this to both of my children." I sighed looking at Draco, "do you need help? What did they do? What are they making you do?" He shook his head, "I'm fine Alyssa. Get out of here before someone sees you." I pushed him back hard, "what the hell is wrong with you?" My mum put her hand on his back pushing him forward, "I'm sorry love."

I stood there staring as they walked away from me together. My last two family members choosing to walk away from me. "Alyssa." Harry whispered. I let him hold me, "I'm not going anywhere." I sighed, shutting my eyes. "Let's follow them."

The four of us snuck down the alley stopping in front of Borgin and Burke's. "What the hell?" I whispered. The two of them were standing in there looking at some sort of cabinet. "Can we go?" I asked. Hermione nodded, "let's go Lyss."

When we got back to the Weasleys Molly fed us a quick dinner, and I lay down on the floor beside Harry's bed. "Were you alright this summer?" He asked. I shook my head, "no, not at all. Were you?" Harry grabbed my hand, "no."

I got onto the Hogwarts express staring at my mother from the window. I saw her give me a small nod which I completely ignored. "I think Draco is a death eater." Hermione whispered. I looked back out the window, and listened to their conversation. "What would you know who want with Draco." Harry shook his head, "no he wouldn't even know Draco, it's not possible." I sighed, "you don't know how close and loyal my family is to Voldemort."

Harry got up, "where are you going?" I asked. He raised his eyebrows, "I'm fine." I sighed turning around to look back out the window. When I realized we had pulled up to Hogwarts, everyone else left and I stayed on board looking around for Harry. "Alyssa." I saw Luna standing behind me. "I'm sorry about your... Sirius." I smiled, "thank you Luna." She continued walking, "do you see that?" I shook my head, "no what?" She pulled off a cloak and Harry was underneath of it. "Harry what happened?" I asked helping him up. He shook his head, "your brother."

Once we got him off the train flitwick threw his arms up, "I've been looking for you three everywhere. Names?" I raised my eyebrow, "you really don't know our names?" He nodded, "it's a security measure." I looked up and saw Draco and Snape whispering to each other. I stormed over, glaring at Draco, "I need to talk to you." He grabbed his bag pushing me back, "stay the hell away from me." Snape stared at him stomping away, and I stood there in shock, "you should get inside Ms. Malfoy."

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