Chapter 73

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Bill and Fleur had the entire house up quite early today to prepare for their wedding, I stared at myself in the mirror unsure of how to cover up the massive bruises on my face from that death eater last night. "Morning." Harry said standing in the doorway, I quickly stepped back from the mirror giving him a small smile. "Hello." He sighed, "listen I need your help with something. I wanted it to be us, but Ron and Hermione want to come too." I looked at him confused, "where?" He bit his lip, "horcrux hunting, that's what Dumbledore wanted us to do, after you know." I nodded, "of course I'll help."

I was outside helping the Weasleys set up the tent, I saw the minister of magic appear, walking straight into the burrow. "Wonder what that's about." I whispered, Remus nodded, "I couldn't tell you." I bit my lip sad that I couldn't tell Remus I was leaving. "Your son, is truly going to be the luckiest kid on earth." Remus smiled, "and why do you say that?" I shrugged, "why wouldn't I, you've been a great dad to me and I'm not even your kid." This made him stop and look at me, "I appreciate that." I hugged him, "and I'm not too old for your hugs don't worry about that." He laughed placing his hand on my head, "well thank god for that one." I smiled walking back inside to get ready for the wedding.

"You look good." George smiled. I laughed taking his hand, letting him spin me around. "You look alright too." Together we met up with Fred in the kitchen, sitting together at their wedding. Harry Ron and Hermione took their seats by us as well. When the ceremony was over music began to play and everyone started dancing and eating. "Care for a dance kid?" Remus asked me smiling. I took it happily dancing around truly smiling for the first time in a while. "You look beautiful." I laughed, "even with this face?" He nodded, "I feel like your covered in bruises at least once a year, it's normal." I laughed, "you're not wrong." When the song was over he stepped back, "I'm proud of you, truly." I nodded, "I owe it all to you, well Cedric and Sirius too of course, but you knew I needed help the first day I met you. On the train. He shook his head, "you've overcome a lot, you and Harry you're gonna save us all."

I jumped back as death eaters flooded into the tents, "Alyssa." Remus called trying to hold me back, "I'm so sorry Remus. I love you so much, thank you." I pulled away sprinting towards Harry. The moment Ron and Hermione got to us we apparated into a very busy street. We were led to an alley where Hermione gave us all a change of clothes then lead us to a coffee shop. I sunk down in my chair staring out the window, only looking up when two men entered the shop. It was only moments later when Harry screamed at us to get down. Both of the men spun around shooting spells I jumped back up knocking the one down, and Harry got the other, "lock the doors and turn off the lights," Harry instructed. I stood overtop of the two men recognizing them from my childhood, and wanted posters. "Oblivite." Hermione whispered erasing their memories.

The four of us quickly left the restaurant walking down the busy city streets. "We've got to go somewhere safe." Ron said. I agreed and Harry turned to look at me, "Sirius', no ones been there since.... what do you think?" I sighed, "sure." In all honesty I was not crazy about the idea of going there. I didn't want to see that place, and all the memories, it scared me truthfully.

We all stood in front of it and watched as the buildings separated. As soon as the door was shut I saw a glimpse of light darting towards us, suddenly Dumbledores face appeared from it. I gasped closing my eyes, and Hermione screamed. When I looked again it was gone. I took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen, exactly how I remembered it. I then pushed open Remus and Sirius' door closing it behind me. I lay down on the bed, remembering all the nights where I'd come stay in here, it started after Cedric died, and then occasionally I would just want to spend more time with them. It felt like a real family truly. It also feels like everyone else had moved on, Harry was on a mission, but I couldn't shake the deaths of everyone, or the thought of my brother becoming a death eater. I was stuck in time, and if I felt alone before, it was nothing compared to now. I closed my eyes, quietly whispering, "I love you."

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