Chapter 67

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After the holidays we were all sent back to Hogwarts, everyone agreed that was the safest place for Harry. And Remus wanted me far away from Bellatrix. It felt awful knowing what had happened, knowing how easily they could get to Harry, I felt helpless. I couldn't take on one death eater, I wouldn't stand a change against Voldemort's army.

Before classes I sat down in the great hall eating my breakfast. I felt a light tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Dumbledore standing there. "Why don't we take a walk?" I followed him across the bridge, enjoying the fresh air. "I heard what happened over the break. I'm sure it gave you quite a scare." I sighed, "listen I need you to really focus on Draco." He nodded, "I know you do. But unfortunately there's not much I can do for him now. Someone's taking care of him." I stopped, "that someone's Snape isn't it?" Dumbledore stared down at the lake, "beautiful day isn't it?" I agreed, "would I be able to help him?" He shook his head, "no but you can be there for him."

I used the railings to support myself, "is he a death eater?" Dumbledore gave me a small smile, "curious girl you've always been." I bit my lip, "you're good at avoiding questions." He chuckled, "you're good at asking questions. Look Alyssa I've asked you for one thing this year, Harry, he's the one you can help." I shook my head, "I know Voldemort asked Draco to do something. I just need to know why?" He put a hand on my shoulder, "you're so worried about everyone else have you even thought about what you're feeling? Sometimes we have to take care of ourselves before others." I looked at him confused, "you're making no sense, you're asking me to look after Harry and be there for Draco and then telling me to take care of myself first. Where am I supposed to find all the time for that. I don't think you understand sir, after my father, and then Cedric I haven't been alright. Sirius was helping me through that, he cared so much, and now he's gone. What I need to know is if I'm going to lose someone else." He nodded, "no one too important. Good day." I rolled my eyes, "you are extremely confusing sir."

I sighed when I realized he wasn't going to answer me. And looked down into the hallways noticing Draco walking all suspiciously again. He opened up the room of requirements and I stood back deciding last minute to sneak in myself. I hid behind a large post watching him tend to a cabinet. I had no idea what was in it or what it did. But I stayed watching him. A crash sounded and I listened to his soft cries. I wanted to comfort him, but he'd be extremely angry if he knew I'd been following him. I waited until he left to sneak out myself. That was pure dark magic, whatever he was involved with it was bad.

A week later I was sitting eating breakfast when Kaite bell walked in, a moment later Draco did as well, but he turned back around the moment he saw her. This made me get up and quickly follow him. He made his way up to an upstairs bathroom, I stopped in the doorway where I watched him splash water into his face. He was crying, again. "Draco." I whispered. "I know you don't want my help." He stared at me emotionless. I hugged him close to me, rocking him back and forth. "What are they making you do? I can help you Draco. Truly." He shook his head crying into my shoulder, "no. No one can. You especially. Go get away from me." I didn't let him go, I forced him to hold onto me.

"I know what you did. You hexed her didn't you." I spun around to see Harry standing there. "Harry get out." Draco pushed me down and started throwing curses. Harry did the same busting the water pipes sending water spraying everywhere. "DRACO DONT HURT HIM." He ignored me, they both did continuing to fight. I was trying to leave when Draco grabbed my arm, and neither of them meant for it to happen but Harry screamed, "sectumsempra." I collapsed immediately falling down into a puddle gasping for air. I wasn't familiar with that spell but I knew where he got it, I was in immediate and intense pain unable to lift myself off of the bathroom floor. "You bastard." Draco hissed. "GET OUT!" Harry stared down at me and I could just tell how sorry he was.

I was clutching my stomach and I felt like I was dying. I was waiting for Cedric to come and help me up take me back to our home, I wanted this to all be over, it was clear I couldn't help either of them. "You're alright." Draco whispered. Harry grabbed my hand, "I'm so sorry. I thought..." Draco pushed him back, "it doesn't matter what you thought. Get away from her."

I continued staring at ceiling gasping for air, blood was pooling around me and I was still not sure what the spell had done to leave me in this much pain. I watched as Snape came and stood directly over top of me, Harry left and Snape gently placed his wand onto my stomach healing me carefully. "Draco, go."

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