Chapter 65

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A few days later it was our day off and we were going to Hogsmeade. I got dressed and ready meeting Harry in the common room. We walked down to breakfast together, "did Dumbledore show you whatever memory he was planning on showing you?" Harry looked at me confused, "he did. How did you know about that?" I smiled, "he showed me one too. Told me he wanted you to see a specific one as well." Harry sighed, "he said I should look after you this year." I laughed, "that's exactly what he said to me."

After breakfast we walked to the three broomsticks, sitting down at a table in the corner. Professor Slughorn walked in and I rolled my eyes when he began walking over towards us. "Hello my boy Harry." Harry smiled standing up to shake his hand. "Alyssa, how are we today my dear." I nodded, "good and you?" He greeted Hermione next. "Well you must attend my dinner, I insist." Me Hermione and Harry all agreed. Ron sat sipping his butter beer getting completely ignored which made me smile in amusement.

They continued talking, and I caught Draco lurking around sneaking into a room, walking out shortly after, his face flustered. I bit my lip standing up, "are you guys ready?" Everyone else stood up and we made our way back to the castle. I was quiet the entire way back, but gasped when I heard a loud shriek from the girl walking ahead of us. She was ripped off the ground, flung back and forth and suddenly dropped hard onto the ground. My eyes were wide staring at her in disbelief. "Is that Kaite Bell?" Ron asked. Harry nodded, and I stepped out of the way as Hagrid ran through. "Don't touch that." He instructed, I watched as he carefully wrapped up the necklace and lifted Kaite into his arms.

When we got back to the castle we were asked to speak to professor McGonagall. She stared us down, "why is it when anything happens you four are always around." I scoffed looking away, and Ron spoke up, "believe me I've been asking myself the same question for six years." Snape came in behind us examining the necklace, "what do you think?" She asked him. He studied it hard before setting it down, "I think Ms. Bell is lucky to be alive." I sighed, and Harry shook his head, "it's Draco, he did this." I stared at him, as did snape, "that is a very serious accusation Mr. Potter, do you have any proof?" I rolled my eyes, "right Harry? Do you have any proof?" I shook my head at him, and left the room. It was possible he had something to do with this he was looking extremely suspicious when he entered that room. I was trying hard to remember if he had a package when he did, but I couldn't remember.

The night of Slughorns dinner party I pretended to be ill, and not able to attend. Instead I sat in my room staring up at ceiling. I decided I shouldn't keep all this to myself I pulled out a piece of parchment and began writing to Remus.

Dear Remus,
I am sorry for not writing sooner as I say every year. But a lot has been going on, I'm sure you can say the same. Somethings wrong with Draco and I'm really quite concerned, Harry keeps saying this and I keep denying it, but it's getting harder for to convince myself. I think he's involved with Voldemort somehow. He's just so different now. And I just miss you so much, I hope to hear from you soon. Love you.

I heard footsteps coming towards me, and smiled at Dumbledore as he walked up to me. "Nice evening isn't it?" I nodded looking down at the lake, "Cedric took me up here once for some dumb thing he made up. A castle date." I heard Dumbledore chuckle, "that does sound like something someone who's in love would do." I sighed letting snowflakes land in my hand, "professor something bad is happening to Draco and I think you know what it is." He shook his head, "no Alyssa I don't. But I do believe you when you say something is wrong." I sighed, "my awful family, they dragged him into this." Dumbledore nodded, "I'm afraid I have to leave until after term."
I gave him a small smile, "you're going to protect Draco and Harry right?" He nodded, "you have my word. Take care of yourself."

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