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Yenna's POV

I was sitting in the living room when the front door suddenly opened. It is dinner time already and after organizing my thoughts about all that happened, I decided that I should start talking to the guys. And speaking of them, I immediately turned around after hearing a couple of familiar voices.

As I realized what Jeonghan said earlier, I came to think that they were just following Seungcheol's orders and not telling me the truth was not their pure intention.

"Hi guys!" I happily stood up as I greeted them. "Its good that you're all home. Dinner's ready." 

Just then, my smile faded when they all ignored me. None of them talked and they just walked past right in front of my face. Some of them even went directly upstairs while went to the living room playing some games. I was not sure what they're up to, but if it was a prank, it surely is not funny.

"Guys, aren't you hungry?! I cooked all of your favorite food. Don't you want to eat first before you play or sleep?" I made my voice go loud and clear for them to hear me but they did not even tried to listen nor talked back. I am starting to think they're tried to play push and pull. They are now doing what I did to them these past weeks.

After doing my best in persuading them, I decided to just eat alone. My stomach's been grumbling in hunger since earlier but I forced myself not to eat until they come home. But now that they're here, I realized that I should have eaten. And now, my efforts fell into nothing.

"I guess I should eat all of these by myself." I mumbled at myself facing a bunch of food in front me. 

Well, I think I can manage to eat a lot amount of food since I am pregnant. My appetite these few days had been wild that I can't barely stop myself from eating too much. So maybe I can manage to finish half of the food I prepared.

"Hyung, how many packs of ramyun should we cook?" I turned around when I heard Seokmin's voice coming closer. His voice is quite visible since the kitchen was located just beside the dining.

"I guess 10. The others wanted to eat some too." I heard Joshua replied making me stood up. 

After hearing what they were talking about, I quickly sneaked into the kitchen. The moment they got in, they both halted on their steps when they saw me sitting at the counter.

"Hi." I greeted the both of them. "I already cooked some ramyun minutes before you came home. Its still hot. If you want, you can have them. Its just in the ----"

"On the second thought Seokmin, lets just call for a delivery. I'm suddenly craving for pizza. Let's go?"

I wasn't even done talking but they already left. A slight of pain hit me as I slowly noticed what they've been doing. Now I know how it feels like. I started to feel so guilty now that they're acting so distant. It wasn't even an hour but I am getting sad. How much more if it will last into days. 

Trying to get rid of those upsetting thoughts, I decided to eat alone and enjoy the food that I worked hard to prepare. Even if the smell is not pleasing for me, I have to finish some of it, or else it will go into waste.

After eating the last bite of my curry, I stood up and cleaned the table. I was walking towards the sink when my stomach suddenly throb in pain. I wasn't able to stop the plate from falling out of my grip as I immediately tried to hold unto the counter for support. The plate fell to the floor causing it break and make a noise. I seriously can't even explain what I was feeling. My stomach is very painful like it was being ripped. I know its exaggerating but the pain was literally unbearable.  And I can't handle it anymore.

A few minutes later, I felt the guys' presence across me looking shocked. They all stared, waiting for me to talk and didn't even dare to come and ask if I was okay. I slowly felt my tears are starting to fall as the pain was getting harder to restrain. 

I know that if I ask them for help, Seungcheol would find out that I am pregnant. I wasn't planning to hide it from him anymore. I want to tell him the truth once I'll get a chance to talk to him. But now, I guess I won't have any other choice. Guess  I have to tell them the truth before anything happens to my baby. 

"Help me please." My voice stammered in whisper as I slowly getting anxious. "I can't. I can't bare it anymore. Please! Help me."

It took them a minute to move and went to my side. As soon as Mingyu came in front of me, I lose my balance and fell towards him. Good thing he caught me before its too late. 

"My baby." I told them in a faint whisper. "Help me. Please. I, I can't lose my baby." I was praying they got what I meant before I lost my consciousness.

The last thing I remembered, I was begging them to bring me to the hospital.


I woke up in a room, all in white paint. The dextrose on my hand gave me the idea that I was now in the hospital. The guys indeed brought me here. I heaved a deep sigh wondering if they already knew about my pregnancy. I wonder if Seungcheol knew about my state. 

Speaking of the man I was just thinking about, the door suddenly opened revealing the guys with Seungcheol behind them. I immediately closed my eyes before they caught me already awake. I can't bare to face him as of now and answer his possible questions. Maybe some other time. I will talk to him and clear everything.  I mean, I really wanted to sort this all out but I'm still doubting about everything. And by everything, it includes the rules that Jimin was talking about.

"Where's your mom Josh? I thought she's here already?" I heard Seungcheol's voice echoed through the whole room as I felt his presence just beside me. 

"She's coming. Don't---." Joshua didn't finish his words when I heard the door creaked open all of a sudden. "Speaking of. Hi mom! We've all been waiting for you."

Dr. Hong is here. Of course, I knew Seungcheol would choose her to check me. How could I forget. Jeonghan said she's their medic. Though I wonder what any other medical field she's good at. She 's already a medic and eventually she became an OB.

"How is she?" Seungcheol asked and I seriously felt the authority in his voice. 

Frankly speaking, I missed hearing his voice. No, scratch it. I miss everything about him. If only I could just freely wake up and listen to Dr. Hong's words and advice with him without fearing anything. Well, that would be a nice scenario. 

That thought alone made me feel delighted but wary at the same time. I am happy but I am not. It sounds so complicated but that was what I really felt. If only Seungcheol is not a mafia leader. If only I could just wake up and see how happy he will be about my pregnancy. If only we could build a family in a normal surroundings.

Too many 'if's'. Too many wishful thoughts. And too many complications. This 'too many' things is getting hard for me to handle.



Hi guys! Are you all doing fine? Well yeah, I hope you are!

Thank you so much for the support everyone! From adding my story to your reading lists, from voting, reading and sending me great feedbacks. I can't thank you enough for your appreciation and unconditional support to my fanfic. I hope everyone of you is safe and happy!

Thank you so so  so much! 

PS: Please read my Jeonghan Fanfic too! 

Love you all! Take care and Bless you!


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