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This chapter is unedited. Grammatical errors and typos ahead!


Yenna's POV

Jimin and I drove all the way to Busan. I don't know why he brought me here but I was thankful enough that it is far from Seoul. At least I know that Mr. Choi can't easily find me.

It was a total of 4 hours of ride so we both decided to stop by a restaurant for dinner.

My mind was clouded with so many thoughts while I was staring blankly at the window waiting for our food.

"Hey love." Jimin lightly pressed my hand calling my attention. I turned my gaze at him and weakly smiled.
"Do you want to share what's bothering you right now? I'll gladly willing to listen." he ask giving me his most precious smile.

I inhaled deeply as I looked at him straight in his eyes. I told him about my father's debt and how they ran away leaving me all the burden.

I did not told him about me being a collateral. I did not plan to let him know about it. He'll surely go berserk if he finds out.

Jimin wanted to help me pay off our debt. He offered and volunteered to pay it for me but I did not accept it. I don't want to bother him for something that was never his problem. I don't want his family to think that I'm after his money. Its our family's problem so I should be the one to solve it. Not him or anyone.

"Why did you climb off the walls to get out of your house anyway? I mean, you could've used the gate." he suddenly asked me. "I was also a bit confused when you told me to park at the back. Are you perhaps, getting chased by your dad's loansharks?" his face was so serious as he throw those questions.

I nervously gulped and was about to answer when our food arrived. I mentally thanked the waiter for the perfect timing. As soon as the foods was placed on the table, my stomach loudly grumbled.

Jimin burst out laughing when he heard it. I shyly lowered my head feeling a little bit embarassed. I knew the waiter heard it too.

I can't blame myself though. I haven't eaten anything since I came to that crazy rascals office.

"I'm sorry" the only thing that I could mutter. I was a little bit surprised when Jimin held my face up all of a sudden.

"Don't apologize for the little things that makes me fall for you even more love. I will always adore you even if your stomach grumbles louder than the music here." he smiled sincerily as he said those words to me.

I closed my eyes as he leaned close and kissed my forehead. I held his hands that were rested on my face.

"Thank you love, for everything. I love you so much." I softly whispered to him.

My guilt is eating me alive. I want to tell Jimin everything but I was scared. I'm afraid that Mr. Choi would kill him. All those things that he told me in his office still lingers on my mind.

'Even if your father changes his mind and pay me in order get you, I'll kill him.'

I can't bare to see Jimin get killed mercilessly because of me. I don't know what I'd do if I lose him.

"I love you more my love" he gently replied as he sat back to his chair. "Come on, lets eat. I am pretty sure you're hungry."

We ate happily while talking random things. I temporarily forgot my problems as I enjoyed spending my time with Jimin.

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now