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Here's the double update that I promised!

Author's POV

After receiving a phone call, Seungcheol ordered his men and his gang to move. They waited hours for their cue to get things done and now that's it time, he knows his team is more than ready for what's coming.

Needless to say, BTS suceeded on their plan.

"She's asleep and Jimin's at his office. Be vigilant. He has two snipers waiting for your attack." Seungcheol smirked as he heard Taehyung's voice on the other line.


"As you stand by the gate, they're at 9 and 5 o'clock. Be keen enough, they lurking in the dark. You can't easily see them." He said.

"Okay great. I'll call you when were done with them. Thanks." He said and ended their call.

He went out of his car and walked to the nearest tree where Mingyu and Seokmin is waiting for him. They handed him his rifle and daggers getting ready for his signal.

Putting his earpice on, he immediately made sure that everyone on his team, hears him. "Guys are you all in place?"

"Yes hyung. We're just waiting for you." Wonwoo replied.

"Good." He proudly responded.

"Hyung, I see the two of them. Should I?" Dino asked and Seungcheol's knows it was the snipers that Taehyung was talking about.

"Yes. Do it."

It wasn't long enough when Seungcheol suddenly heard Dino chirping in happiness. It means he successfully killed the snipers. He wasn't even surprised at all since he knows how good the youngest is. Dino really exceeds his expectations.

"Nice shot maknae!" Seungcheol heard Jeonghan's praise on the other line.

A smile escaped from his lips knowing that there would be no hindrance getting in. Seungcheol took the opportunity to lead the way to the wall as Mingyu, Seokmin and Vernon were following him behind. Before he climbed, he checked his watch and saw that it was already 9 in the evening. It means Yenna is in deep sleep.

"Don't forget to use your silencers. Yenna is asleep now and I don't want us all to disturb her. She needed to rest." He reminded his members without looking at them.

"Got it hyung. The others are using it so you have nothing to worry about." Vernon replied.

He nodded at them before he started to throw the rope with a grappling hook. After making sure that it successfully grappled on the other side of the wall, Seungcheol started to climbed his way up. His members immediately followed him and they all made it inside.

"Now, let's start the plan. After you see me getting dragged inside, I want you to call Jin and meet him at the back. Make sure no one sees you. Got it?"

"Yes hyung. Noted."

Seungcheol quickly left and walked through the bushes around Jimin's mansion. He then realized that the guy had enough pennies on his pocket for affording such place. After walking a few minutes, he turned back and looked at his members. He raised his rifle telling them that he's getting nearer at the the front door. Soon enough, he'll face a bunch of Jimin's men guarding outside.

"Hey Scoups. I know you told us to use our silencers but then, what about our enemies? They will still wake Yenna up since they won't be using one." Joshua snapped through their ear-piece. "What should we do?"

"Shoot them before they pull their trigger. Simple Josh." He replied.

Joshua scoffed and hissed. "As if were that sharp shooter. We aren't that blessed like Dino, you know."

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now