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(A/N: guys.... if you get confused, this happened before Jimin went to Yenna's room and brought her to Mr. Kim)


Author's POV

Jimin was walking to the parking lot when a random car stopped in front of him. He chose to ignore it and continued his way to his car. He just came from a store buying some clothes for Yenna and all he could think about is that he need to go home as fast as he could before she wakes up. Or else, Yenna might try to escape from him again.

"Park Jimin" He heard his name being called behind him.

With a frowning face, he turned his back to face the person who called him. He was greeted by an old man. Still looking so fine despite of his age.

"You're Park Jimin. Aren't you?" The old man asked him.

"Yes I am. Why? Do you need something?" Jimin replied nonchalantly.

He saw him grin and chuckled afterwards. His brows furrowed as he waited for his answer. Without hearing anything for a minute, he decided to leave. He turned to leave the man but before he could even take another step, he was stopped by an armed man in front of him. 

Jimin heaved a deep sigh as he rolled his eyes and turned back to the old man again. "What do you want?" He irritatingly asked.

 "Come with me. Let's have some little chitchat." The man replied with a smirk.

"Why should I even talk to someone like you? I don't even know who you are." Jimin said.

"Oh I'm sorry. I forgot to introduce my name. I'm Kim Hyun Seo. It's nice to meet you Park Jimin." 

Kim Hyun Seo extended his hands to Jimin. As for Jimin, He was having a second thought of taking his hand. He was so confused how this man knew him. 

"I am Seokjin's father. I knew you because of him." Mr. Kim answered as he saw his confused face. "My son isn't the type of person who likes to share about himself. Especially his family. But he keeps on talking about you to me. So I've come to know you."

Jimin heard him explain. Even if having a doubt, he took Mr. Kim's hand and shook it.

"Why do you want to talk to me Mr. Kim? I believe Jin hyung is in Busan. Why are you here?" Jimin can't help but ask.

"I have to talk to you about something important. Please accept my offer and come with me." 


They are now sitting inside a small restaurant. It was odd for Jimin as they were only the costumers inside. He decided to accept his offer. Though Mr. Kim offered to ride with him on their way here, Jimin chose to drive and bring his own car. As he looked outside the window, he saw Mr. Kim's armed men waiting for him. 

"Jin never told you something about me don't you?" Jimin heard him asked and he shook in response. "That son of mine loves to hide some secrets. I bet you anyone of you did not knew even the half of it."

Jimin eyed him suspiciously. "What do you mean by that?" He asked.

"Believe me. I want to tell you everything but that matter is not the reason why I brought you here." Mr. Kim replied.

"Then what is it?"

"That girl. Park Yenna. She's your girlfriend, right?" Mr. Kim asked Jimin.

"Yeah why?" Jimin replied.

"Why did you beat her like that then?"

Mr. Kim's question made Jimin stopped. Confusion grew upon him again. "How did you know that?"

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now