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Author's POV

Yenna ignored everyone and continued to ran to the mansion. Seungcheol kept calling her name but she did not dare to stop. As soon as she heard Seungkwan's words, she quickly pulled him and asked about what he just said. She saw how Seungkwan's face paled when he glanced at Seungcheol behind her. Looking at him having second thoughts on telling her the truth, she did not waste her time and decided to go inside to check if what she heard was true.

"I'll deal with you later Seungkwan." 

That's the only thing they heard from their boss before he followed Yenna. They all sighed and looked at Seungkwan's apologetic face. 

"I can't believe you followed Hoshi's footsteps Seungkwan. You just spoiled the ultimate surprise." Jeonghan uttered as he pat Seungkwan's shoulders.

"I did not mean to say it hyung. I'm sorry." Seungkwan replied lowering his head.

"Nah, don't mind it guys. Let's just get inside." Jun commented pushing his members towards the mansion.

They all moved and went inside the mansion after a few minutes. When they got inside, they saw Yenna's figure at the corner of the living room. She was sitting on the couch with head on her knees crying while Seungcheol was in front of her mumbling some words to make her calm.

"I hate you." They heard Yenna's voice sounded so angry.

"What happened?" Dino whispered at his hyungs while eyes was fixed at the scene in front of them.

"Do you think we know what happened? We just came here too." The8 snorted.

Yenna's parents were standing across them. Her father was hugging her mother who's also crying too. They couldn't figure out what was happening. The way Yenna's voice sounded like she wasn't happy made them confused. 

They were all surprised last week when Seungcheol came to the mansion with Yenna's parents. He ordered everyone to care of them and keep it a secret from Yenna until they come here. He didn't tell them anything after that. They were all so excited to know what would be Yenna's reaction if she meets them. What they're seeing now was all unexpected.

"Please Mr. Choi. We obeyed your orders. I'm ready to give you the full payment, just leave my daughter alone." Mr. Park told Seungcheol pleading.

"We did what we we have to do Mr. Choi. My husband and I did everything to earn some money to pay you. Now please, gave us our daughter back. She can't----"

"No!" Seungcheol suddenly stood up and faced Yenna's parents. "You can't take her back. We're getting married and you can't say no to that."

"We did not intentionally gave her to you! You blackmailed us that you'd kill her if we will not agree on your terms! I did what I promised Mr. Choi. I'm going to pay my debt so release my daughter and leave us alone." Mr. Choi said furiously.

Seungcheol smirked at Mr. Park's remarks. He suddenly chuckled and looked at them intently. "Did you forget about the contract?" He quickly uttered. "You signed that damn contract Mr. Park. Paid or not, Yenna is still mine."

"How dare you!" Mr. Park father exclaimed ready to punch Seungcheol at his face. Yenna on the other hand, quickly stood up from the couch and went in front of her parents. 

Yenna gave Seungcheol an intense glare. She was getting frantic and angry. Her sudden changed of personality took them all by surprise.

"I think we need to talk about something Seungcheol. You owe me a big explanation." She stated before she turned her back at him and went her way to the garden.

Seungcheol quietly followed behind her. As they made it in front of the fountain, Yenna faced him with tears in her eyes.

"Why?!" That was the first thing that came out from her lips as she stared at Seungcheol. "Why did you lie to me?"

"I did what I did Yenna and I'm not regretting it. I have my damn reasons and---"

"You lied to me! You said my father sold me in exchange for their debt! You made me hate them. All this time I thought they abandoned me!" She wailed. "How could you do that to me Seungcheol? How could you be so cruel?"

"Because I don't want to lose you. I don't want anyone to take you away from me. From the first time that I saw you in my office, I promised myself that I will get you no matter what. I took the chance. I took the opportunity and used your parents debt just to have you. I don't know know how but I fell in love with you. Your presence changed my life. I loved you so much that I did all those things. And to be honest? I did not regret any of it." Seungcheol replied. "You wanna know why? If I told you the truth, do you think we'd come at this point where you and I are happily inlove? Do you think we'll end up being a couple? Do you think you'd accept the truth? Or accept me?"

Yenna cried listening to him. It was hard for her to accept everything. She loved him and finding out the truth makes it more difficult because of her damn feelings. She didn't know that this would happen. They were so happy yesterday. They were fine earlier before they came here. But everything suddenly changed. 

Seungcheol found her parents. No, he hid her parents. He knew were they are and he threatened them to stay away from her. 

"I'm sorry." Seungcheol started to speak again. "I admit I hid them from you. They hardly begged me to see you but I did not let them. I know I am ruthless and cruel because of what I did. But as I see you missing them each day, I quickly changed my mind and decided to bring them here. Your father was so angry at me because I told him about my plan. I wanted to marry you and tried to ask for their blessing. But they both objected. They don't want us to get married and they wanted me let you go. I brought you here because I thought it might changed their mind but I was wrong. Now----"

"I really hate you." Yenna said cutting him off. "I hate you so much for making me feel this way. I hate you for making me suffer. I hate you for treating me like I'm a possession. I hate you for taking away my freedom. I hate you for ruining my life. I hate you so much Seungcheol."

"I know. I'm ready to accept how much you hate me. I'm ready to accept your hatred. I'll accept every words that you wanted to say. You can hurt me if you want to, just please... Please don't leave me. Please stay with me. I'm begging you."

Yenna did not move an inch when Seungcheol pulled her to him. He wrapped his hands tightly on her waist not letting her go. His head was rested on her shoulder. She felt her clothes wet and she immediately knows that he was also crying. They both fell in silence as the minutes passed. The sound of the water splashing on the fountain was the only noise around them. 

"I really hate you,  you know that?" Yenna suddenly spoke as she slowly wrapped her hands on Seungcheol's waist. "But I hate myself more. I hate myself because no matter how I tried, the love that I felt for you is stronger than the hatred I feel in knowing what you did. I hate that I can't hate you that much. I hate you and I hate me."

Seungcheol chuckled as he pulled away from Yenna. He cupped her cheeks and looked at her eyes softly. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I swear I wanted to tell you the truth but I was scared. I was scared of losing you baby."

"You almost did though." Yenna replied. "You're lucky that I loved you." 

"Yeah, I really am." Seungcheol grinned. "But babe, you're parents would be not happy about this. You're dad looked like he's ready to kill me."

Yenna chuckled at Seungcheol's last words. "Its your fault anyway." She teased him. "And I'm telling you Seungcheol, there will be no wedding unless both of  my parents agree. I won't say 'yes' until my parents give us the blessing."



I hope you enjoyed reading the two chapters. Thank you so much for your support. I really appreciate it. 

Keep safe everyone! Saranghaeeeeee~~~


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