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Author's POV

"Hi love" Yenna rolled her eyes as Jimin greeted her while making his way closer to her side.

Its just been a day since she was locked up and she can obviously say that it feels so awful. The infidelity that she was feeling was incomparable. She needed air and she is craving for food so bad but she's too scared to tell Jimin.

Right after she heard what he's planning for, she didn't know if she'd wake up one morning and he'll force her to get an abortion. This whole situation she was in really frustrates her and thinking that he wanted to harm her baby made it worst.

"Stop calling me that, Jimin." She spat. "You don't love me."

A moment of silence fell until she felt Jimin's hand on her chin, forcing her to look at him.

"I love you." He uttered at her in whisper. "Believe it or not, I do."

"Then let me go." She told him as she looks at his eyes pleading. "Do what makes me happy Jimin. If you really love me, then set me free."

"No!" Jimin exclaimed in outrage as his mood suddenly changed after hearing her words. "I will never let you go. No matter what happens you'll stay here with me." He said in pure anger. "Its time for you to forget that asshole and---"

"Asshole?" She hissed. "Coming from someone who forced to lock me in here and planning to hurt my baby. Tell me who's the real asshole here." She pushed his hand away and walked a further distance from him even if its impossible for her to get away from his grasp. She don't want to go near him nor be by his side. "Why can't you see that things will never go back like it was before Jimin? Why can't you just accept that its not you anymore? Why?"

As Yenna waited for his answer, she heard Jimin sighed then chuckled. "Then why won't you ask yourself first Yenna?" He spoke. "Remember how you used to promised me that we'll stay together in the end? All the memories that we shared together? Those things that we did and planned before HE came and ruined everything?" He replied emphasizing the word 'he'. "I'm still holding on to your promises Yenna. I was holding so much to it. Up until now." 

His eyes were unreadable as he was staring back at her. It was blank but his words were full of pain. "I did what I did because of pain Yenna. And I did not regret it. Yes, I hurt you, but it was all because I want you to feel the betrayal I felt when you cheated on me." He blurted out. "From the day he took you, I was forcing myself to plan everything just to get you back. I was praying every night, hoping that you'd be fine. And guess what?"

Yenna felt a lump on her throat as she keeps on listening to his words. "I was hurt. No I was purely devastated when I saw you suddenly fell out of love from me while you were in his arms. I was in so much pain when I saw how you changed. You were so different when you were with him and it kills me inside thinking you are not that happy when you're with me." 

She was now crying as she saw Jimin spit out those words right at her face. She admitted to herself that it was her fault. His words pierced right through her chest. She was being stabbed by the truth. 

"You know what killed me the most?" He continued and paused giving her a dead stare. "It was when I realized you're ready to forget me just to be with him. It was when you acted like you were so happy to be with me again when all you could think is just him!" He sharply uttered. "You broke all your promises Yenna! You broke it all and you broke me!"

Just as he loudly said those words, he grabbed the vase and threw it at the corner of the room. It crashed just across the wall where she was standing. Yenna jumped in shock and looked at the broken pieces scattered on the floor before she nervously diverted her eyes back to Jimin. 

"See that broken pieces my love?" He whispered. Yenna gulped when he suddenly walked closer and stopped right in front her. "Its me." 

"Jimin. I---"

"Shhhh..." He cut her words. "Its fine." Jimin chuckled. "I can get over it. And I know I can't easily make you forget about him. But..." He paused. "That bastard." Her brows furrowed in confusion as he stared at him. Just then, she saw him looked down as his finger was pointing at her tummy.

'That bastard'

She felt her anger suddenly rose up realizing what he just said. She unbelievably threw him death glare and didn't waste another second to slap his face.

She was angry. Very angry. For calling her unborn innocent baby such thing.

"Don't you dare call my child a bastard, Jimin. My baby is innocent. He or She has nothing to do with you or  to any of your nonsense." She pointed at him in rage. "If you're angry with me then go! Make me suffer! But leave my child alone. You have no right to call---"

"What?! A bastard?" He cut her off before he harshly grab her hand and pushed her to bed.

Yenna yelped as she tumbled back at the impact. Though she was thankful enough that he pushed her on the bed and not on the floor, she's still angry at his actions.

Trying to gain her senses back, he felt Jimin's hand on her neck as he was hovering above her. His position was making her more conscious. There's so many things that suddenly ran through her mind. The worst of it, was thinking he might punch her stomach.

That thought alone made her crazy that she quickly tried to pushed him away. She was slapping and punching his body to make him go away but instead, her actions clearly made him more annoyed. All of a sudden, he felt his hand gripping her neck tightly as he moved his face down, closer to hers.

"Listen to me." He said. "If you want your life to be easier while you're here, you need to be obedient even if you like it or not. If I say, you have to abort that bastard, abort it." Yenna started to feel her sight getting blurry but his words were still vivid to her. It made her feel more furious. "I love you so much, my love. But don't test my patience. We'll going to live a good life with our own family. We'll going to have our own children. Take note, OUR OWN. Not from the others."

"I hate you!" She screamed right at his face. "You have to kill me first before you force me to abort my child! Get lost! You're crazy, lunatic, psy--"

"Call me what you want, I don't care." Jimin told her. "And who says, I'm going to force you to abort it?" He smirked and Yenna was sure it was the most devilish smirk that she have seen from him. "You'll feel nothing and do nothing about it, my love. You'll just wake up one day and that bastard is already gone."



Guess what? I'm backkk! Sorry for the loonggg wait everyone. I was so sad about the news regarding Mingyu and I decided not to update until everything's fine or until they come back.  Though I was so happy that some of them breathed again, I'm still wishing for all of them to come back. 

*sigh* The 13 of them really hits differently, right?  Anyway, let's cross our fingers and hope for the best for Seventeen. They will come back with a smile on their faces feeling proud that Carats never left them. Let's believe our Sebongs just like how they believed in us. Fighting to all CARATS! A tight hug from me to you... 

PS: Although its not a great chapter, I hope you still liked it. Don't worry, I'll give you a double update next week. Thank you so muchhhhh! Mwuahhh....


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