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(before Seungcheol went to the hospital)

Authors's POV

Underground Society, Seoul

"Boss, we got Mr. and Mrs. Park. We're on our way to the headquarters now." Seungcheol gripped his phone tightly as he received a call from one of his men.

"Good. How about Jimin?"

"He was not there boss. We didn't spot any traces of him when we arrived at their house. We tried to ask Mr. and Mrs. Park about him but they were keeping their mouth shut."

He hummed in response as he turned his swivel chair and stood up. "I see. You go lock them up. I'll go talk to the both of them myself."

"Noted boss."

After ending the call, Seungcheol took his coat and head out of his office. It is dinner time already and he was planning to go home first before going to their HQ but, he can't let this night pass without getting an inch of information about Jimin.

Getting out of the elevator and walking to his car, he halted on his steps when his phone suddenly went off. His brows furrowed when he saw Mingyu was calling him.

"What?" He asked him as soon as he answered his call.

"Hyung. We're on our way to the hospital right now."

"What?! Why?"

"Yenna. She passed out after crying in pain. She told us something about her baby." Mingyu explained making Seungcheol ran quickly to his car.

"I'll be there. Tell Joshua to call his mom. Now."

He ended the call and went inside. After starting the engine, he called his men and informed them that he'll just meet Yenna's parents tomorrow.

Driving off to the hospital, Seungcheol didn't bother the cars running towards him as he drove in full speed. He needs to hurry. He needs to be there for Yenna and their baby.

Yes, their baby. He knew it all along but he acted like he didn't. Yenna has been too obvious. Her actions was actually. And being a good observant as he was, Seungcheol realized it the day he called Dr. Hong to his office.

Though he wondered why Yenna didn't tell him, the way she said something about the rules of the Underground gave him the idea about her decision of hiding the truth from him.

He was angry at the thought that someone told her about rules. He admit he went berserk and confronted his gang. Though at the end he found out that they were not the one's who told her about it. His anger then increased when he found out that it was Jimin. The eagerness to kill him grew more after he bluntly told Yenna about the Underground's number one rule.

He already envisioned Yenna's reaction about it. But what Jimin didn't knew is the rule he was talking about was only valid when the mafia leader is not married. Someone like him could easily call someone to be a surrogate mother and bear his heir. The child needs to be a boy though, and not a girl. Its true that a girl is forbidden. But that is only applicable to a surrogacy.

Clearly, Jimin made a huge mistake. That is why he is hunting him. He wants to punish him severely. For Yenna, and for her parents.

He was driving passed the bridge and decided to take a shortcut to the hospital. As he was making his turn, an odd SUV suddenly stopped at the middle of the road. Good thing he has a good driving skills, he immediately stepped on his brakes avoiding the possible impact.

"Damn it!" He uttered in rage as he tumbled on his seat upon the sudden halt.

When he glanced at his side mirror, he noticed a few men getting out of the SUV holding a gun on their hands.
Seungcheol smirked at what he was seeing and wasn't even bothered.

"These guys didn't know what they're doing." He mumbled as he took off his seatbelt. "Such a wrong timing."

"Choi Seungcheol! The great mafia leader!" One of the men mocked at him as soon as he went out of his car.

"Yeah, nice to meet you too." He replied in sarcasm.

He heard the man chuckled as the others also grinned at his remarks. After roaming his eyes at them, he mentally counted and realized that they were 7 .

'Tss. Too little for a good show.'

He smirked at his thoughts before he cleared his throat. "Mind to ask what you want?" He asked though he was mentally shooting them one by one. "You see, I'm in a hurry. Its very important for me to be there right now."

"Oh come on! Why don't we have a little fun first? Shall we?"

"Oh I love to. But you know, I really have to go." He acted and opened the door of his car.

But as soon as opened it, one of the men suddenly shoot leaving a scratch at his door. His jaws clenched as he run his hands to it and picked up the bullet that landed near his shoes.

"Who told you that you can go Choi Seungcheol? We're not done yet." They mocked at him again. "If you don't want that bullet inside your body, stay here and follow what we say!"

He glanced at them after hearing their words. He let out a loud chuckle and snorted. "You're all so funny. You told me earlier that I am a mafia leader." He said turning his body to face them. "Now tell me, why would I follow your orders if I'm obviously above you?" He saw some of them gulp as they heard his remarks.

Minutes have passed and Seungcheol did not hear any of them talk. It made him annoyed and frustrated that this guys were wasting his time for nothing.

"I swear if any of you won't talk and tell me what you want in 1 minute, I'll make you eat this goddamn bullet." Seungcheol warned them.

"Really? That was scary..." One of the men told him with a mocking voice. "You think we take you seriously? Try harder mafia man."

Seungcheol grinned and lowered his head glancing at the bullet on his hand. "You are really testing my patience, aren't you?" He uttered before looking back at them.

"Hey, I think we should head out and ran while we can. He looked liked he was not joking." The man at the back of them interrupted and started to put his gun down.

"Shut it! We should finish him while we can! Or else, Mr. Park would kill us!" As he heard one of them, Seungcheol can't help but scoffed hearing the familiar name.

He was grinning with a mock and looked at them deadly. "So its Jimin. He sent you here to get rid of me, didn't he?"

They all stood on their places getting nervous at the tone of his voice. Well, they better be, as Seungcheol started clenching his knuckles getting more and more angry.

None of them replied until one of them who mocked him earlier lead the others in aiming their guns to him.

"So what if its Jimin? What will you do, huh?" They started teasing him again. "You're all alone here mafia man. You cannot get away from us. No one can help you."

"Is that what Jimin taught you? How scary.." He said whispering his last words. "Well fun fact. I am a mafia man and you'll be a dead meat."

"Oh really? Huh, not if we kill you first."

At that moment, before the men could even shoot him. A black range rover came into view and fired their guns to them. Seungcheol smirked at the sight feeling satisfied.

Thanks for being an Underground leader, the other gangs were keeping an eye for his safety, looking after him against his enemies.


Took me a long time to update but here it is!

Thank you for waiting guys...


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