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Nothing is as suffocating as riding in a golden elevator with a guy whom you just met. I was standing beside this Mr. Kim Mingyu. One minute he's nice then he turned into a person you think you cannot mess with. He suddenly wore his very serious look with very intimidating presence the moment we step inside.

This person is insanely but handsomely weird. I didn't even know why I easily trusted him. I can't even look at his reflection through the doors which almost looks like a mirror. My eyes were directly fixed to the floor. It is so quite. He just told me earlier that this elevator is exclusive to the floor where the CEO's office is located. He said its the whole top floor. No wonder its very different from a normal one. You need have a code like some sort of password to get in.

I abruptly raised my head when I heard the 'ting' sound, signalling us that we already arrived. I turned my gaze to Mr. Kim, I thought I should call him formally since we are not close enough to call him by his first name. I nervously held my breath.

'This is it Yenna. You'll finally meet the CEO. Its your only chance, you can do it. Be---' my thoughts were cut off when I heard Mr. Kim calling my attention.

"Ms. Park! Are you okay? Do you want to stay there or do you want to meet Scou-- i mean the CEO?" he asked. I realized I'm still inside the elevator. I hurriedly went beside him smiling like an idiot. He just turned his back at me and started to walk. I held into my bag tightly and sighed deeply before following Mr. Kim.

We passed through a hallway. This floor looks like a hotel. There's too many rooms with a name written on each doors. I was about to ask Mr. Kim about the rooms when he suddenly stopped. I realized that we are now infront of a double door room. I don't know how to describe it but I just noticed a big diamond carved on the doors. Half of its form is on the left side of the door while the other half is on the right.

"Wow, fancy. I guess." I mentally thought.

"We are here Ms. Park. Are you ready?"  I heard Mr. Kim asked without facing me. Am I ready? Oh yes, even if I'm not I should.

"Yes I am, Mr. Kim." I proudly replied.

After hearing my answer, he opened the doors. The moment we got inside, I heard noises. I was standing behind Mr. Kim. His broad back was enough to block me on seeing the things that is happening before us.

"Please Mr. Choi, I'm begging you!! Don't kill me. Please!!" I heard a man screaming and pleading for his life. A minute after, I heard a man chuckled.

"Now you're begging. Ahh, I like it. Music to my ears." I heard him replied.

"Please Mr. Choi. Just give another chance. I promise I'll give you back the money. Please... Or, or----" the man didn't finish his words when we heard a sound of a gun being loaded.

I decided to take a peek behind Mr. Kim to see whats happening. I noticed that there were more than 10 people inside this room, including me and Mr. Kim.

I looked around and gasped witnessing a scene. There's blood everywhere! I noticed that it came from the man who was on his knees, begging and crying. I covered my mouth with my hands. Is this gonna be my father's fate if he can't pay? Will they do it to him too? Do they really kill? What kind of people are they?

"Or what Mr. Jung? What would you give me in exchange for your life?" I looked at the man whose holding his gun.

Is he the CEO? Is this the man named Choi Seungcheol? How can he do this to the poor man? How much is his debt to reach at this point where this people could just easily end his life?

Looking at the CEO, if I'm not mistaken, I think he's going to shoot that Mr. Jung any minute now. His face says it all. He's going to kill him. I can't watch it. I can't bare to witness any kind of murder.

I was about to turn my feet and get the hell out of here but I was being stopped when Mr. Kim held my wrist. I angrily looked at him.

"Don't go. You have to see what happens if you can't change the mind of the CEO." he whispered loudly without even taking a glance at me. I pulled my hand away from him and decided to stay.

"You can have my daughter Mr. Choi. I'll give her to you. You can do anything to her. Just please, let me go. Don't kill me." the man named Mr. Jung mercily pleaded.

His answer made me scoffed. What kind of father is he? He would give his daughter to this cruel man just to live? How could he do that? How could he let his daughter pay for his own mistake? I clenched my hands unknowingly. I am just so angry right now. I surely would not forgive him if I'm his daughter. Luckily, I'm not.

I chose to shut my mouth. I decided put my head down, and just waited for this whole scene to finish.

I heard nothing from Mr. Choi. No one even talked either and the whole room is so quite. All I could hear was Mr. Jung's heavy breathing and soft cries.

Suddenly, I heard a sound of footsteps coming. I still held my head down not wanting to see who owned those footsteps. I can feel that its getting close until I saw a pair of shoes in front of me.

I gulped when a gun was placed under my chin and used it to raise my head. I looked at the man holding the gun. I silently freaked out when I realized that it was Mr. Choi. He was looking at me intensely, it almost felt like it pierced through me. His eyes were so cold and scary.  He cocked his head and smirk. Take note. It was a devil smirk.

He put his gun down and unexpectedly took my waist. I was so shocked by what he did that I didn't even noticed that he brought me in front of Mr. Jung. Poor man, his face was full of bruises. He is bathing with his own blood.

"I'm afraid I don't need your daughter Mr. Jung. As you can see, I'm already married with this woman infront of you." I was dumbfounded by hearing those things from the CEO himself.

I heard murmurs and awe from the people around us. Some loudly coughed and some even forcely cleared their throat trying to stop themselves from laughing.

This man is seriously joking. My words left from my mouth. I was gaping the whole time while this man infront of me is just so damn serious.

"Do you think I want to replace my beautiful, amazing and gorgeous wife to your slut, brat, and--", he stopped for a second but continued, "Forgive my word but with an ugly face daughter like yours Mr. Jung? Hmm?" I turned my gaze to Mr. Choi as I heard him. This guy is crazy. How dare he claim me as his wife!

I tried to get out from his grip as much as I can but his arm was probably made of steel that it didn't even moved a little no matter how I tried. Instead, he just pulled me to his side even more and held me firmly. Fuck this guy.

"But Mr. Choi... Just---" Mr. Jung was unable to finish his words when Mr. Choi suddenly shot him. I screamed and covered my ears when I heard the gunshot.

He killed him. He shot him right on his head. He's a murderer. My tears were visible from my eyes. I looked at the people around and they're just standing there as if they're used to see someone getting killed. I started panicking. Now that a man holding me in his arms just killed someone infront of me, I need to get out of here. I wish I did not listen to Mr. Kim.

"Clean this mess boys." I heard him ordered before diverting his attention to me. "And you, let me take you to my office and calm you down. I bet we have something important to talk about." 

I was about to protest when everything around me turns black. The last thing I remembered, I was being carried by the CEO, Mr. Choi Seungcheol.


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