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Yenna's POV

Seungcheol, Dino and Woozi arrived when we were just about to eat our dinner. They greeted their members and Seungcheol came towards me kissing my temple.

His actions was not new to me, but everytime he does something like this, I felt oddly delighted. It was a bit strange for me to feel like this because somehow, I am still commited to Jimin.

Its hard to admit but, as the time goes by, everything that I felt so wrong, fucking feels so right at the same time.
We were in the middle of our dinner when Dino suddenly spoke. "By the way, where's Mingyu hyung? Why isn't he joining us for dinner?"

Some of the members whose not present in the kitchen earlier was also looking for him.
I was about to speak and tell them what happened between us, when I heard footsteps behind me.

I turned around and saw Mingyu's figure walking to the vacant seat beside Jun. I secretly glance at him trying to see if he's still angry. I was surprise when his eyes met mine. My stares quickly diverted to the food but I caught something before it. I think I just saw him smiled.

"Where have you been Mingyu?" Seungcheol suddenly asked him as soon as he sat down.

"I was playing games at my room hyung. Good thing my stomach reminded me that I'm hungry." he proudly replied before he started to eat.

My mind was full of confusion. He was rampant at the kitchen earlier because of me. He felt insulted but why did he covered it up and lie? I sighed in the thought that Joshua must've said something to him. Or maybe, Jun was right.

Seungcheol just nodded at him before turning his gaze at my direction. "Finish your meal. We're going somewhere." he suddenly said that made us all stop.

"But you just got home, Scoups. Where are you going this time?" Jeonghan asked him.

"Somewhere, Jeonghan." I raised my eyebrows at his answer. Why can't he tell his members where we're going?

He looked at me after drinking his wine. "Go get dress. I'll wait for you at garage." He uttered and stood up without saying anything to his members.

"Did something happen to Scoups hyung while you're with him, Woozi?" I heard Wonwoo asking Woozi whose busy eating. He just shrugged his shoulders at Wonwoo and ignored him.

"Something's wrong with him, Yenna." The8 said. "He's like that when he's stressed. I wonder why he wants to bring you when he usually wants to be alone." he added.

"Just go and follow him noona. Maybe he needs you." I nodded at them and quickly went to Seungcheol's room to change.

Instead of wearing something casual, I chose the clothes that's more comfortable for me. I looked myself in the mirror and felt satisfied.

When I came to the garage, I saw Seungcheol leaning at the hood of his car. His hands were both on his pocket as he was staring blankly on the ground. He looked like he's in deep thought that he didn't even notice my presence.

"Is everything okay?" I intend to ask to get his attention. He look so surprise when he saw me.

I heard him sigh before he leads me to the passenger seat without answering my question.

I turned to face him when he sat down to driver's seat. His face shows no emotions but his eyes were saying the opposite.

"What?" He asked when he caught me staring at him. I blinked a few times and adjusted on my seat.

"Nothing. I was just wondering. You seemed so okay earlier and now you look like you're not. Even your members noticed it." I uttered and his eyes were glued to mine for a minute.

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now