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Yenna's POV

I was almost done preparing our breakfast when Seungcheol came into the dining room while fixing his wet hair. The smell of his aftershave came to my attention as he hugged me from behind. It was a bit scary because I always find myself falling for this kind of simple actions from him. The way his arms tightens around me and the way he keeps on giving me butterflies in my stomach with his out of this world things. Those eyes that tells how much he adores me. His smile and laughter that makes my day. All of it, it makes me fall for him. For months that we've been living together, he was always there. Always lending me a hand until I felt better.

Sometimes I can't help but wonder. It's been so long since the two of us lived here in Hongdae. These past months that I've been living with him felt so special and surreal. So surreal that it keeps me thinking, what are we? Well, one thing's for sure though. We aren't in a relationship and he's clearly not my boyfriend.

Yes, he tells me how much he cares for me and how much he want me, but is that it? Because I can't say the same with my own feelings. I know I love him. I can tell it and I'm sure that I already fell for him, big time. Which literally scares me a lot.

What if he only kept me here because of my body? What if I'm just a possession? What if he didn't felt the same way? What if he doesn't want me the next day?

I have so many what ifs that sometimes, thinking about it drives me crazy. I want answers but I'm scared of hearing one. I want to ask him everything but I'm afraid of his possible rejections. I'm afraid of getting hurt. I don't think I'm ready for another pain.

"Good morning babe." I can feel his breath on the side of my neck which successfully gave me shivers. Hearing his voice never fails to bring me back to my senses and forget my thoughts.

"Good morning." I replied at him smiling. "Let's eat some breakfast."

Thank goodness Seungcheol quickly let go and sat on his chair. I mentally released a deep sigh as I took the seat in front of him. Its been months since my worst nightmare happened. My leg is fine now and I can finally walk. Everything was great, and I was getting a good sleep. I often have nightmares and anxiety but with Seungcheol's presence I was finally better.

"By the way baby, we need to pack and prepare today." I glanced at Seungcheol when I heard him talk.

"Why? Where are we going?" I asked him.

"We need to go back to Gangnam. The guys wanted to see you. Seokmin keeps on pestering me and Dino wanted you to be there for his birthday." He snorted. I giggled at the way he makes face hearing Seokmin's voice everyday. Though I always tried my best to talk to all of them, I can't keep up with their energy. 12 guys in one phone call is way too many.

Surely I miss those guys. Especially Dino, I'm so glad I'll be able to make it on his birthday.

"And also, I want you to meet my mom."

I stared at him speechless for 5 minutes. Confusion was visible on his face when he saw me looking at him intently.

"Are you okay baby?" Seungcheol worriedly asked as he held my chin softly.

I shook my head in response. "Yeah, I'm fine." I told him. "I was just shocked and surprised. How did you find your mother? I mean, as far as I remember, you told me that you were looking for her while we were at the cabin and now---"

"Seokjin found her." He said cutting me off. "It was our deal. When Seokjin told me that he got my mom, he proposed that I should give you back to Jimin in exchange for her. I agreed at his proposal and gave you back which was obviously the biggest mistake that I did. I'm sorry babe. It was the main reason why you got hurt." My tears unintentionally fell hearing Seungcheol's reply. I softly felt his thumb on my cheeks wiping away my tears.

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now