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Author's POV

"Kill that Mary Hong for me Seokjin." His father ordered him when he picked up his call.

"Why? What's with her?" He asked him.

"Stop asking. Just kill her."

Jin remembered how he immediately obeyed his father that day. He remembered how he felt so proud for what he did. The satisfaction of shooting her was unexplained.

The pain that he saw in Joshua's eyes oddly weakened him but his mind was telling the opposite. The way Joshua caught his mother before she fell unconscious gave him the fulfillment of making the Choi's pay for what they did. Jin killed her that time because he was drowned by pain and hatred.

Then....he found out that the woman that he killed a long time ago was also his best friend's mother.

"What were you thinking?" Jin glanced at Taehyung beside him who's now looks so calm after what happened last night.

It's almost lunch time and he decided not to get up still feeling sick of what he found out. Taehyung who was casually half asleep beside him added the burden inside. It is now slowly killing him. His guilt is murdering him.

"A lot of shit Tae. I'm thinking a lot of shit. Its making me crazy." He replied congratulating himself for not stuttering.

Jin heard Taehyung scoffed at his answer. He looked at him unknowingly. Eyes closed he saw how Taehyung's jaw clenched. 

"I was wondering how your shit didn't made you crazy after all these years. You were a great pretender Jin." He confusedly stared at Taehyung on his side. The way he speaks to him in that tone, without a joke and formality. Jin was so sure that Taehyung knows something. 

"You know what?" He heard him added. "You were so good at hiding."


"What Mr. Kim?" Jin got up from the bed and faced Taehyung who's now staring at him coldly. "Tell me. How does it feel shooting her and seeing my brother's painful state at that time?"

Jin was so shocked at Taehyung's question. He could not say a word. The look in Taehyung's eyes gave him a lump in his throat. They were so different. The pain, betrayal, anger. He saw it all in his eyes. 

"Never mind. You didn't have to answer my question. I'm sure you had so much fun playing with all of us." 

He did not got the chance to say something when Taehyung abruptly got up and went out. Jin was left with a heavy heart. The conscience, guilt, pain, everything. All of it came crashing into him. Taehyung knew everything. He didn't know who told him but he was sure that Joshua has something to do with it.

Tears ran down his face as he weakly sat back on his bed. He ran his hands to his hair gripping it tightly to release his frustration. A loud knock made him changed his state quickly and dried his tears with his bare hands. His back was facing through the door which gave him no idea who was knocking.

"Hyung, we have to move. Pack your things. We'll be leaving in Busan today." He heard Namjoon's voice behind him. He just gave him a nod before the latter closed the door.

His father did not contact him after last night. The attacked that was planned would probably not happen. After all, Jin has no plans on doing it. It was much better to just go back to Busan and see where it all leads.

After a few hours, they were all set and ready to leave. Jin saw Yenna across the car. She was so quiet. Which made him wonder how unaffected she is knowing that she was now free. She just stood there, not smiling nor talking as Jimin's hand were on her waist. Seconds later, he met her eyes. Yenna stared at him with a glint of hurt and disappointment?

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now