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Better late than never everyone!! LOL... 

TIME CHECK: Its 11:27 here in my dearest country so its still Wednesday hahahhaha.... 

Well anyway, as promised, here's a double update for you guys.


PS: Expect all the possible errors. All chapters are still UNEDITED.


Yenna's POV

I caught the glimpse of the Seungcheol's mansion a few meters away. A smile perked up my lips as soon as I thought how I miss the guys. Maybe I should play some games with them once I got there. I miss how Seokmin's screams were louder than the sound of the computer. The way Jun never loses his game at anyone and the way Jeonghan unintentionally curse everytime he lose. I let out a soft giggle thinking about it and earned a suspicious looks from Seungcheol seconds later.

"That giggle of yours surely is something baby. Mind to share a penny of what you've been thinking?" He took a glance at me asking.

"It's nothing." I simply replied. Minutes later I heard him sighed. I looked back at him raising my brows. "What's with that sigh?"

"Nothing." He said. "I was just thinking how you could manage to smile while I am here getting furious waiting for you to say yes on our marriage?"

This time, I rolled my eyes at him turning my gaze back outside the window. I don't know why he's so eager to get married. I mean, yes I would love to get married to him but I don't think its the right time. It was just yesterday when all that confession thing between us happened and then right there and then, he told me that he wanted us to get married by the end of the week. Like, for goodness sake, preparing a wedding in just a few days would be crazy. Never in my life I have thought that I would rush everything in preparing my own wedding. Its a once in a lifetime celebration of a union between you and the man you love and it'll take months or even years to prepare for it.

I've been explaining it to him since yesterday and until now, he's still sulky about my decision. As soon I said 'no' to him, he quickly asked me tons of questions and complains. He didn't even ate his dinner and even ignored me the whole night until today. I was surprised he suddenly talked to me.

"It's too early to talk about that matters Cheollie. We haven't even celebrated our first legal monthsary and you're talking about us getting married already." I uttered nonchalantly without giving him a glance.

"I know babe but , we've been living together for a few months already. Isn't it enough reason for us to get married?"

"Seungcheol believe me, I wanted to get married to you but its too soon. Preparing our wedding for a few days will be a death of me. I don't want to walk on the aisle looking so burned out and stressed because of the preparations." I replied at him.

"You don't have to worry about anything. We'll hire someone for all the preparations if that's your concern." I felt him stopped the car midway to the mansion as I heard his words. He took my hands and brought it on his lips. "All I want you to do is to be there and say 'I do'. That's all baby. After that I promise to be the perfect man and husband to you. You are my everything. You and my mother are my everything. But having you is different, thinking about us being husband and wife would mean so much to me. I don't want to let you slip away from me again that's why I want us to get married. I love you so much baby, please say 'yes'. Please."

A tear fell from my eyes as I stared at his soft orbs. I felt how much he wanted us to be one. He makes my stomach flip in so much bliss and happiness. I wanted to say yes. But I don't think we need to rush about this matter. Its not that I don't like the idea of being tied with him forever but there's so much going on. I am not ready for what he's been asking. My mind is still healing from everything that happened and my parents are still missing. They still don't know what happened to me.

I am very much concerned if they find out that I am now in a relationship with the man whom they owed billions of money and to the man whom they sold their daughter in exchange for their debt. I can't just move to another chapter of my life bearing those problems.

"But my parents, I haven't seen them Seungcheol. I wanted to find them first. I wanted to know if they're doing fine before I settle down and have a family of my own. I want my parents to witness the best day of my life. Even if I hate them for what they did to me, it is always been my dream to walk down the aisle in the arms of my dad. I hope you would understand that. Let me find my parents first and we'll talk about this again. Just, not now Seungcheol. Not now." I softly explained hoping he would understand as I held his hand tightly.

"Fine. Once we find your parents, we'll talk about it with them. I hope you say 'yes' when that happens." He replied.

I nodded before he adjusted to his seat. He turned his body facing the wheels again and turned on the engine. Minutes later, we arrived in front of the gate of his mansion. Many of his men where seen everywhere guarding the whole place. I looked at Seungcheol wearing my confused face.

"Why are there so many people out here Seungcheol? I don't remember having any of them the last time I came here." I curiously asked him.

"For you and everyone's safety babe. We need to be vigilant just in case."

After hearing his answer, he pulled up the car and went out. Just when I finished unbuckling my seatbelt, I was being dragged out of the car and getting crushed with a tight hug.

"I--- can't breath." I hardly whispered at the man in front of me.

"I'd literally cut your arms if you would not let her go this instance Seokmin. Trust me I'd--"

"Noona! I'm sorry I just missed you so much." I heard Seungcheol's threatening words were being cut off with Seokmin's cute voice. Instead of being scared about his boss, he pulled me away from him and gave me the sweetest smile that I missed.

"Its okay. I missed you--"




I immediately turned my face to my side when I heard everyone calling my name and coming to my direction. I couldn't even process what just happened as I found myself being crushed once again. I heard their leader stopping them but they are't listening. They all tried to give me a hug and believe me, I think I'll break my bones if they wouldn't stop.


As soon as they heard Seungcheol's voice, they quickly pushed me back towards him. I almost tripped with their sudden action but luckily Seungcheol caught me by my waist.

"Let them be Cheollie. Everyone misses me as much as I missed them, so its fine." I said stopping him to scold them again.

"Hey Yenna! I bet you want to get inside now. Your pare-- hmmppp!!" I saw Vernon's hand covering Hoshi's mouth when I turned around to face him.

I was wondering what Hoshi wanted to say. "What are you doing Vernon? Let him talk."

It took Vernon a few minutes to let Hoshi go. When Hoshi looked at him, Vernon sent him some death glares. He quickly turned his gaze at me and grinned.

"I said you two have to get inside. The foods are ready and I am hungry. So let's get in and dig in!" Hoshi said before he ran back inside the mansion.

I questionably looked at the other guys before I turned to face Seungcheol. He didn't notice me looking at him as his gaze were still at Hoshi's running figure.

"Aish, Hoshi hyung really sucks at keeping everything a secret. Didn't we clearly planned that we shouldn't tell Noona that we found her parents?"



Keep safe and don't forget to vote SEVENTEEN on MAMA carats!!!


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