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Author's POV

Jimin was sitting in a corner sipping his scotch while his gang and the Got7 were arguing about what happened last night. He was silently listening to them but his mind still wanders at the thought of his girlfriend's abduction.

He's mad at himself for not protecting her. Thinking about what would that Seungcheol might do to her makes him crazy.

He unknowingly held the glass tighter that it broke and shattered into pieces in his bare hand.

"What the--" His hyung, Namjoon, uttered in surprise. He also caught other's attention as they all glanced at him and his bleeding hand.

Taehyung went closer to him checking his hand.

"Tsk... I'm fine." He snapped at Taehyung pulling his hand away.

"You're not fine Jimin. Come on, let me treat your hand." Hoseok was trying to grab his hand but he just clenched it away causing it to bleed more.

"Hyung, your hand! Let Hoseok hyung treat it!" Jungkook exclaimed at him as Namjoon and Taehyung forcefully pulled his hand to Hoseok.

They successfully treated Jimin ignoring his death glare. Jungkook just giggled at his hyung.

They were currently putting a bandage and almost done when Jackson started to talk about Seventeen again.

"Guys, we really need to plan this revenge, ASAP. We shouldn't let them think that they won against us!" Jackson whined as he eagerly suggested about it many times but the BTS gang were having a second thought about it.

"Jackson's right. What happened last night was a wrong move for us. We chose to ran away instead of chasing them. I won't be surprised if Seventeen would brand us as cowards". Got7's leader, Jae Beom told them. Everyone looked at him after hearing his remarks.

"We are not hyung!" Jungkook argued. "Being a coward and running away for everyone's safety is totally different!"

"Then what now?" Mark whose also listening to them stood up. He turned his gaze to Jimin whose frowning in silent. "What about you Jimin? Would you just let that Seungcheol use your girl? Would you let your girlfriend be one of his toys? Hmmmm?" Jimin looked at him disgustingly as his question starts to make him angry.

"Stop it." Jimin warned Mark. But the latter ignored and just continued.

"We all know how he use his girls for sex and pleasure. We all know that after he's done with them, he'll let his members kill and dump them. And with a body like Yenna, I'm sure he's having a time of his life enjoying your girl's company."

In a swift move, Mark landed to the floor as Jimin punched him right at his jaw. Jimin pulled him up by his collar and angrily spat at his face.

"Don't you dare say that stupid things about Yenna! She's not as easy as you think she is. That Choi Seungcheol has no fucking right to touch her! He can't have what's mine! Not ever! Do you understand!"

Jimin once again punched him. Mark just smirked at him wiping the blood on his lips. Jimin turned his back at him and went to get another glass of scotch.

"That is why we need to go to Seoul sooner to save her. We have to plan this one out before anything happens to her." Jinyoung calmly stated after helping Mark to get up.

Suga, whose quitely observing everyone of them was still doubting about going to Seoul. Yes, they need to save Yenna, but they cannot risk going there without even knowing where exactly in Seoul their enemy is hiding. He tried to hack and used his skills all night just to find out where they went. But, Seventeen really did an amazing job blocking every IP's and cameras to keep them away.

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now