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Yenna's POV

After our argument inside his office, I decided to go straight back at my parents bedroom. I locked myself there, not talking to anyone even the guys for a few days. They all tried to reach out to me but I ignored them. I only ate when I wanted to and go out to get my clothes when everyone of them is not home. In short, I built a wall between us these past weeks and I am still thinking whether I should talk to them or not.

For now, I decided to go out here in the garden after feeling suffocated by staying that much longer inside the mansion. I felt the need of fresh air . And thus, sitting here alone felt like heaven. Just what I needed.

"I see you finally went out of your cage. I thought you wanted to stay there forever." I turned to my side only to see Jeonghan making his way to sit beside me.

I did not answer him. Nor I was not planning to talk back.

"Still angry about what you what you found out?" He started to speak again. "You should be happy instead. Since Scoups is the now the leader, you will reign as the queen of the Underground Society once you marry him."

I hissed at his words which made him look at my direction. "I see." He commented. "You're not planning to marry him, don't you? Well, based on your reaction. You are not interested in that news."

"I was planning to marry him. But frankly speaking, his leadership in the Underground changed my mind. It made me scared than excited." I muttered bitterly as I fixed my gaze at the fountain in front us.

Jeonghan hummed in response. "You're scared? About what? His enemies?"

"No. About our future." I truthfully replied and glance at him. "The world he's living in makes me scared."

I did not hear him talk for a few minutes. We both fell in silence. Understanding yet drowning with our own thoughts.

"Tell me damsel, who told you about Scoups leadership?" He suddenly asked making me wary. "I'm sure none in our gang told you about it. Scoups forbid us to tell you anything, so I'm sure the others followed his order."

"Is it even important for you to know? Nothing will change anyway."

"Scoups will kill him."

I jolted on my seat and turned to face him. "What?"

"I said, whoever told you about his leadership in the Underground, he will kill him or her." He responded making me nervous. "That's part of the rule book. No one is allowed to mention the leader's personal whereabouts to anyone who's not part of the Underground Society. If anyone breaks that rule, death will be the sole punishment."

I gulped hard hearing his words and blink rapidly making myself calm. If they found out that Jimin told me everything, Seungcheol will kill him. And if they found out that my parents are still communicating with Jimin, they might be put in danger too. Even they made my life miserable, I still love them and I owe them my life. I can't bare to think that something bad might happen to them.

"Since you're not yet married to Seungcheol, you're still not part of the Underground." He then added. "That is why you are not allowed to know about his leadership. But since someone told you about it, he is in trouble."

"Now I can see why he's so eager to get married." I mumbled in whisper which earned me a low chuckle from Jeonghan.

Suddenly, I remembered Dr. Hong. She was at Seungcheol's office the day I said I knew about the Underground. Does it mean, she is in danger too?

"Dr. Hong knew about it too. She heard me talk about it to Seungcheol. Does it mean you will also kill her?"

I saw Jeonghan smirked before he spoke. "No. She is our medic. She knew about the Underground Society."

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now