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A/N: Hoshi's post on weverse wrecked us all guys!!! Like... his back is so fine🔥 Just look at that🥵☝️


Yenna's POV

I groaned in exhaustion when I heard the alarm clock rang off for a hundredth time. I was about to reach and turn it off again when I suddenly felt two strong hands wrapped around my waist.

A smile crept on my face as his lips travels to my shoulders, giving me a short flattering kisses. His lips then moved to my neck inhaling my scent and stayed there for little while.

"Good morning babe." The huskiness of his voice brought shivers down to my spine and the way he whispered it while burying his face on my neck made him sound so hot.

"Good morning Cheollie." I replied and let out a soft yelp when he suddenly pushed my back to bed and hovered above me.

Seungcheol did not give me time to protest when he immediately crashed his lips to mine.

A whiff of arousal hit me when he suddenly bit my lower lip sensually. My hands moved its way to his biceps down to his chest, and hell I would always admit that whenever we do something like this, I get really surprise how bulky he is.

His kisses were getting hungry and passionate at the same time. I could even barely keep up. Giving me air to breath, his lips travelled to my jaw and bit earlobe. "I swear I couldn't get enough of you, babe." He whispered as he leaves wet kisses to my neck, slowly going down to my chest.

Another rang from the alarm clock awakened my senses and I literally held my breath in shocked when I realized what time it is now. I tried to stop Seungcheol from our morning make out or should I say, probably morning sex if I wouldn't stop him. I need to get ready.

But as soon as I was about to pull him away, I suddenly felt his hard member inside me. Like, I wasn't even aware how he quickly made it down there.

"Damn baby, we should do this every morning." He hardly whispered. "We could give Yohann a sibling in no time."

I smacked his arm having a hard time to processed everything cause damn him, he's just so good at driving me crazy. Plus, I keep on thinking that we need to finish quickly or our son would find us in this position. "Be quick. Yohann will come in any minute now."

After a few more thrusts, he fell down on top of me, heavily panting. He took out his member and laid beside me for a minute before he got up and pulled me with him.

"I love you, but you know what? Doing this every morning is a joke Seungcheol. You wouldn't even give me a proper sleep at night." I told him and got up not minding how fully naked I am walking in front of him.

"Babe, you should know I couldn't resist you. Plus, can you blame me? You look so hot, I wouldn't mind getting inside you again." He said and I swear my mouth went agape at his words.

Damn him for not getting sore with overnight sex that he could easily blurt that out. "Shut up and get dress. Yohann might see you naked if he comes in here."

He laughed at my words but immediately did what I told him. I thank God he immediately moved cause as soon as he went inside our walk-in closet, our door opened revealing Yohann's giddy figure running to our bed, jumping up and down.

"Aren't you forgetting something little man?" I called him up and he quickly went to my direction with a cute smile that reached to his eyes.

"Good morning mama!" He excitedly greeted and held his arms pleading me to carry him up.

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now