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Author's POV

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Author's POV

Hoshi and Seungkwan continously threw a teargas at the same time to BTS and GOT7. Seungcheol took the advantage to escape as he carries Yenna in his arms.

"Scoups! Follow me. I'll take you to Mingyu and The8." Jeonghan told Seungcheol as they hurriedly ran their way out. "Everyone! Follow us, quickly!" he also told their other members.

"Yenna! No! Let her go, Seungcheol! Stop! Yenna!" They heard Jimin screaming for Yenna's name while they were running. The two just ignored him.

Other seventeen members; Joshua, Jun, Hoshi, Dokyeom, Seungkwan and Vernon instantly followed Jeonghan and Seungcheol. They keep shooting at their enemies as they quickly escape.

Jeonghan saw The8 and Mingyu walking back and forth across the road with their cars waiting for them. The two noticed them looking so relieved.

"Hyung! Its a good thing you parked your car out here. We wouldn't find it hard to move just in case." Mingyu told Seungcheol who's currently putting Yenna at the passenger seat.

"Did the two of you successfully plotted those bombs like I told you?" Jeonghan asked them.

"Yes hyung! Five minutes from now, that whole place will explode. I just hope any of those rascals couldn't notice it." The8 proudly replied.

"That's good to hear guys." Seungcheol patted their shoulders. "Wait for the others here. Just go directly to my mansion once you're done, okay?" The two nodded in response before Jeonghan and him went off.

A few minutes later, The8 and Mingyu saw their other members running to them. Once they made sure that they were complete, they quickly drove away from the restaurant.

On the other hand, the other three members, Woozi, Wonwoo and Dino were up in the sky. They were riding inside Woozi's precious helicopter. Woozi hates the idea of using any of his owned vehicles at a times likes this. He doesn't want his so-called babies to get any scratch or any damage. That is why, everytime they deal with some businesses that includes clash and shoot-outs, he usually use his members' car. 

When he suggested that he'll use his helicopter with Wonwoo and Dino, all of his team were really surprised. The two were the most excited one's knowing they can finally ride to Woozi's helicopter for the first time.

"I only suggested to use it since it will take time to follow Scoups hyung to Busan if we're going to use a car. We all know how dangerous it is to go there alone. I just had no choice." Woozi annoyingly told them when they started to tease him.

They are now flying in circles around the restaurant where their other members are currently fighting with their enemies. Dino steadily prepared his M16 rifle with Wonwoo beside him. He sniped the BTS and Got7 members and noticed that they were following his team who's running a few meters away. He did not miss a chance and shoot the ground to block the way until they went back inside the restaurant. Wonwoo informed him that their team escaped safely.

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now