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Yenna's POV

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Yenna's POV

I woke up feeling a little bit dizzy. The sunlight that reflects through the curtains made me realize that it's already morning. My body froze when I heard a familiar voice speaking across the bed. I immediately pulled myself up to sit when I recognize who it is.

"Good morning, babe. Did you have a good sleep?" I snapped my gaze angrily at him. He was sitting comfortably staring at me with a smirk on his face.

"Its a worst morning for me, actually. Stuck in a room seeing that face of yours the moment I woke up unfortunately ruined my morning. And mind you, I had a good sleep because I was unconscious." I sarcastically replied to him.

I waited for a while for him to speak but I heard nothing. My burrows furrowed when I notice him gulped while his eyes darkened clouded with lust as he stared at me intensely.

I confusedly checked myself if there's something wrong with me. A loud gasped escaped my mouth when I found out where he was looking. The buttons of the polo dress I'm wearing were all opened showing my cleavage and bra.

"You pervert!" I yelled at him as I covered myself with the blanket. I immediately fixed the buttons underneath.

He just chuckled at me not feeling guilty. "That was a great view."

"Asshole! Tell me, who change my clothes last night? Was it you?" I furiously asked him realizing that this was not the clothes I'm wearing last night. 

"Do you think I would let anyone see your body? No one was allowed to touch it unless it was me, babe. Don't worry about it. I just changed your clothes and I did not do anything else, I promise." My blood boiled for what he just said. How dare he tell me not to worry. I don't believe him. He probably did something to me without my knowledge. 

"How dare you! Who gave you the right to to touch me?!" His mood suddenly changed at my sudden outburst.

"I don't think I need someone's approval for touching what's mine. Besides, we already kissed. That alone gave me the consent to touch and kiss you whenever or wherever I want." He blankly stated in full authority. I only wish I could punch his face right now.

"In your wildest dreams, Mr. Choi. I will not allow you to feast my body for your own pleasure. I already told you I'll find a way to give you back your money. If you could just give me a damn time. Don't force me to be your prostitute to compensate my father's debt! I'm not that worthless!" I aggressively stood up from the bed getting enraged by his inconsiderate words.

Claiming me as his is an absurd idea. I knew my parents sold me to him but I am internally hoping that at least he would show some remorse to someone like me. I was clueless at everything. I never even think that my beloved parents could do it to me. They are so cruel.

"I told you, Yenna. Nothing and no one can change my mind." Hearing him calling my name sends shivers down to my spine. "I don't need any of your money. I only want you and only you. So cry all you want and plead all you want. You are staying with me, whether you like it, or not. End of discussion." He gave me his coldest stare as he breathed heavily suppressing his anger. 

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now