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Joshua's POV

I walked through the corridors and turned right holding a bunch of flowers in my hand. Tulips and daisies makes her happy, so I decided to get her a dozen of each before I came here.

Knocking thrice, I turned the knob and opened her door. She was so busy checking her patients' records that she did not notice my figure standing in front of her table.

"These flowers would wilt if you would not put it immediately in the vase mom." I said getting her attention successfully.

She raised her gaze at me then to the flowers I was holding. A smile crept to face as she quickly went to my side and took the flowers. She gave me a hug and whispered her thanks.

"You're always welcome mom." I uttered back before she called her assistant and ordered to take care of the flowers I gave her.

"Why are you alone, Josh? Where's Taehyung?" She asked as soon as her assistant went out.

Her memories already came back. Its been a month since it happened. Taehyung and I were so happy after she told us that she knew who we were. Nothing can measure how happy and glad I was when she called me her son, so as Taehyung.

After that day, we told her everything that happened, from Taehyung's life to mine. We also told her about dad. She cried and wept feeling sorry for everything, especially to Taehyung.

Since then, all was well and we became much closer.

"Tae didn't come with me today mom, he's in Busan. But don't worry, he said he'll come here tomorrow." I answered her as I sat on the couch.

She just nodded at my response and went back to her seat. "Do want something to eat or drink?" She asked.

"No. I'm okay." I uttered.

"Oh by the way." She blurted as acted like she remembered something. "I went to Seungcheol's mansion this morning but I didn't see you there. Where were you?"

"I went to the company to work mom. Jeonghan needed my assistance in our new project so I went there to help him." She nodded at my response and leaned her back on the chair. "Why did you went there anyways?" I asked her.

"Seungcheol called me for an emergency. And when I came there, I found out that Yenna's father was having a highblood pressure. Good thing, he immediately called. I was able to check him quickly." She said calmly.

"I see. Is he fine now?"

"Yes, I'm sure he is son." She replied. "Anyway, can I just ask you something?"

"Hmm? What is it?"

"Yenna, is she acting weirdly these past few days?" Her questions made my brows furrowed in confusion. Later on, I shook my head responding her question. "Really? I already talk to her mom about what I saw earlier and she just told me that she'll ask Yenna about it."

"Why? What did you saw mom?" I asked her getting more and more confused.

"I was about to get some warm water in the kitchen but I saw Yenna eating a bunch of unripe mangoes using the ketchup as a sauce."

"And then? I don't think there's nothing wrong with that mom. Except putting a ketchup on mangoes, that's probably disgusting." I told her.

"I know but, after she ate,she threw up." She added trying to tell me that there's something more to what she wanted to tell me. "Its odd to see someone eating an unusual food and threw up after, my son. Well, except if you are pregnant then that explains it."

I looked at her as my brows raised in curiosity. "Are you telling me that Yenna is pregnant?"

She did not answer my question. I waited for a few minutes but I got nothing. Later on, I saw her walked to the other room probably taking something. When she came out, she was holding a small paper bag and handed it to me.

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now