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Author's POV

"Is that the Coups Empire, Jin hyung?" Yugyeom asked Jin as they stared at the tall building across the street where they parked.

They just arrived in Seoul and Jin directly drove to Coups Empire to take a look at Seungcheol's company. They just took a peek through the windows of the car for their safety.

"Yes, it is. Chan told me that he saw Yenna with Seungcheol and his gang inside that building." Jin replied as he started the engine.

"Aren't we going to go inside and check if Yenna's there?" Taehyung asked as he adjusted to his seat.

Jin glanced at him shaking his head. "No, Tae. It's too dangerous. Seventeen should not know that we're in Seoul. We have to stay low while we wait for the others to come here. For now, let's go meet the Stray Kids. We'll going to stay with them for the mean time." Jin responded as they drove away to Stray Kids' town house.

Stray Kids is a gang founded by Jin. He made Bang Chan, his cousin, as the leader of the gang. Chan's parents died when he was a kid. He grew up with Jin's help. Jin ordered Chan to recruit his orphan friends to be part of Stray Kids. He trained them and made them work for him as spies here in Seoul and provided them with everything they need. Their town house was located far away from the city to avoid any suspicions from Seventeen.

The three of them were greeted by Chan and Hyungjin when they arrived. Hyunjin helped Taehyung and Yugyeom carry their bags and luggage inside the house.

"How's it going Chan?" Jin started to ask Chan as he noticed that there's only the two of them. He leaned at the hood of his car as he waited for Chan to respond.

Chan went beside him and sighed. "Her memories came back, hyung." Jin stiffened for a bit hearing him. "We just found out yesterday that her memories came back. She kept on screaming Seungcheol's name the whole day. She was crying and pleading us that she wants to see her son."

Jin shut his eyes as the memories flashes back to his mind. This is also one of those things that he hid from his gang. He was supposed to kill Seungcheol's mom by his father's order but he did not. Though he purposely bump and hit her with his car while she was crossing the road, he made sure that she survived from the accident. Yes, he kept Seungcheol's mom hidden for a long time . All these years he made his father believed that he killed her. His team didn't know about her. He intended to tell them but he knew that it is still not the right time.

"Until when are we going to keep her hyung? I'm starting to feel sorry for locking her up. She desperately wanted to see Seungcheol." Chan worriedly uttered as he turned his gaze to Jin.

Jin was about to answer him when his phone went off. He noticed that Jin wasn't planning to answer his phone.

"That must be important. I think you need to answer it, hyung." Jin just looked at him and scoffed.

The phone went off again for the second time. This time, Jin took it out from his pocket. Chan saw how Jin's face turned in disgust as he looked at the caller.

"Keep her until I said so. Don't tell anyone about her. Anyone, including my gang and the Got7. Understand?" Chan just hesitantly nodded at Jin. "I'm going to go somewhere first. I'll be back in an hour."

Jin tapped Chan's shoulder before he went to the driver's seat. When Jin drove away, Chan absentmindedly walked to the porch and bumped with Taehyung.

"Where is Jin hyung?" Taehyung asked Chan when he didn't saw Jin and his car.

Chan smiled at him as he scratched his head lightly. "He went to grab some food. He said he'll be back in an hour."

"What? Isn't it dangerous to roam around?" Chan caught off guard when he realized Taehyung's question. He started to worry about Jin but he decided to shoved it off now that Taehyung is in front of him.

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now