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Yenna's POV

I tightly gripped Seungcheol's arm as we were making our way downstairs. He told me last night that his mom would join us for lunch today. The moment he informed me about it, I felt my nervousness gushed out upon me. I don't know why its making me crazy but the fact that my parents are here too makes me more nervous.

"Do I look okay?" I asked Seungcheol for a hundredth times before we took the last step.

"Baby, you look stunning and beautiful. Relax okay? My mom wouldn't bite. She was actually looking forward to see you. Thus, she knows about you already, so don't be nervous. Hmm?" He simply replied giving me a reassuring smile.

I nodded multiple times before I let him drag me to the dining room. I saw his gang as we came in and they were obviously going on again with their nonsense bickering. I roamed my eyes and my lips curled up into a smile as I saw my parents seated across the table. I immediately went and greeted both of them. Seungcheol came behind me and greeted them as well. My dad just nodded at his presence without even uttering a single word while my mom greeted him back. She was still mad at Sengcheol but I guess seeing me happy with him made her change her thoughts a little bit.

"I heard your mother would join us today Mr. Choi." I heard my mom suddenly spoke as Seungcheol and I sat on our chair. 

"Yes she is. I think----"

"Hyung, Auntie is here." I heard Vernon came in cutting Seungcheol's words. Before I could even processed what he said, I saw a very beautiful and gorgeous woman behind him. 

She was smiling from ear to ear as she walk her way to us. I can feel the sophistication and glamour radiating at her.  Which clearly made me feel more nervous and intimidated. Her presence tenses me and I don't know if I could talk properly.

"I'm sorry I'm late everyone. I was cleaning the cabin the whole morning and I almost forgot that I need to come here. Plus the traffic, gosh it made me-- Oh wait, is this?"

I think my breath just stop when she pointed at me. I was standing quitely behind Seungcheol while she was talking that I wasn't expecting her attention to divert towards me who's looking at her awkwardly. Speaking of awkward, I was left smiling at her not knowing what to say.

"Oh yes mom. This is Yenna. The woman I was talking about." Seungcheol said holding my waist with a proud smirk on his face. "Babe, this Jiyeon Choi my mother."

"Oh my gosh! Yenna my dear!" She suddenly squeked pulling me to her embrace. And I stood there literally frozen at her sudden action.

"Umm.. Hi! I'm so glad to meet you, Mrs. Choi." I  mumbled trying to sound lively.

"Cheol was right, you're beyond the word beautiful. I'm very much glad to finally meet you."

I swear I felt my cheeks redden with her compliment. A smile of relief escaped from me knowing she was not what I thought she is.

"By the way mom, Yenna's parents are here too." I glance at Seungcheol when he mentioned my parents.

"Yes, Mrs. Choi." I said. "This is my mom, Mandy Park and my dad, Sejun Park."

Mrs. Choi walk to my parents reaching out her hand to them. My father hesitated at first but took it later on. Same goes with my mom.

"It's nice to meet the both of you. I am not really surprised why you had such a beautiful daughter." I heard Seungcheol's mom spoke.

"Well thank you Mrs. Choi. My daughter really is beautiful. She's the most important jewel that we can't afford to lose. And now that you're here, I think its good to talk about the things regarding our children." My dad commented before he gestured Mrs. Choi to sit down.

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