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I rolled my body to the side, eyes closed, feeling the softness and comfort of the bed beneath me. I am now awake but the scent from the pillows and blanket were very intoxicating, it made me want to sleep again. A smile escapes from my lips as I tried to drift myself to the land of dreams.

A moments later, I heard someone opened the door. I just shrugged it off like it was nothing until I heard a couple of voices. I could not see who it was since I was facing the opposite side.

"Hyung! what should we do with this woman? What if she's a spy?" I heard one of them said. My brows furrowed. Are they talking about me?

"Shut up Seungkwan! I told you she's not a spy. I met her a while ago. She's here for her father. She has our black card."  another person answered. I think its Mr. Kim Mingyu. He's the only person I met earlier. I decided to keep my eyes close and listen to them.

"Mingyu, why did you even bring her here? You knew that were dealing some business." a voice came from another person.

"Yeah, now look what happened. She just witnessed something she should never see. The worst part is, Scoups hyung caught his attention. It never happened before. Like seriously, this was the first time I've seen him hold a girl like that." another one replied.

I snapped my eyes open when I heard what he said. I immediately sat down when I realised where I am. The face of the man being shot infront of me flashes back to my mind. I need to get out of here fast.

I hurriedly stood up and looked for my bag. The moment I found it was also the moment I realised that I'm not alone. I was greeted by a few goodlooking men. I mentally counted them, figuring out that there are 10 of them. A fear crept through me knowing that I was the only woman here and they were a bunch of killers. I'm scared, that's a fact, but I decided to shrug my fears away and face them. I cleared my throat and was about to speak when someone asked me.

"How are you feeling? Are you okay?" a man with a very cute fluffy cheeks and eyes that forms 10:10, asked me.

"Yes I am, but can you please---" I was about to asked them to let me go but it was cut off when the doors burst open revealing two other men. One that looks like an angel with a devil aura and the other one wearing a poker face with a cute height.

"Oh I see, the damsel is already awake." the angelic devil man mockingly told me.

"Scoups hyung told us to bring you to him once you woke up. Since you still have some unfinished business with him." the poker faced man stated.

"Who's Scoups?" I asked him. "I came here to talk to the CEO for my father's debt. But nevermind, I've seen enough of what you could do to someone who cannot pay a while ago. I'll just take my leave and go home. Tell the CEO that we're going to pay the full amount so he doesn't have to waste his precious time killing my father." I nervously told them. My voice almost cracked to my last words.

I was about to excuse myself when someone suddenly carried me on his shoulder and started to take me to I don't know where. A loud scream came out from my mouth to my surprise. Shit! I'm wearing a dress for f*cking sake!

"Put me down!!! Where will you take me?! Let me go you psycho!!" my veins almost popped from my screams. I felt somewhat a little bit dizzy because of the way this person is carrying me. I keep on wiggling my body while giving him a punch on his back using my bag to let me go but he just smacked my ass.

My blood boiled for what he did. "You pervert!!! Let me go!!! How dare you!!!"

I was screaming and shouting with all my might hoping that someone would help me. Minutes have passed when this guy suddenly stopped and I heard a door being opened. He unexpectedly put me down and pushed me inside. Feeling a little bit dizzy, I lost my balance and my butt landed on the carpeted floor. I groaned in annoyance and was about to shout at him when I found out that the door was already closed.

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now