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Just like what I promised to my mom, I went back home the next day. Jimin's parents we're so kind to understand me.
I was quite during the whole ride. I tried my best to get some sleep but my mind is too occupied. I didn't even noticed that we already arrived until Jimin called my attention.

"Love, we're here." I looked at him. He was smiling and giving me that everything's-gonna-be-alright kind of look. I just smiled back at him.

"Let's go. Your parents are waiting for you." We got out of the car and went inside. We were greeted by my mom.

"Yenna darling! Its good that you're finally here." she then hugged me before turning her gaze to Jimin. "You too Jimin. I'm so glad to see you. Thank you for bringing my daughter back home. Tell your mom I'm sorry okay?" Jimin on the other hand just nodded.
I keep on staring at her the entire time. She was smiling but, I have a feeling that she's just faking it.

"So, lets go to the dining room and have some breakfast first. Join us Jimin." my thoughts were cut when I heard my mom. I looked at Jimin. He already knew what I mean just buy looking at him. He really knows me. Don't know why but he can easily read my thoughts.

"Mrs. Park, I'm sorry but I can't join you for breakfast. Yenna and I already ate on our way here. Anyway, thank you for inviting. I really want to stay and join you but, I need to go back. There's so much things to prepare for my mom's party tonight and I have to help them. So, if you don't mind. I have to go." Jimin kindly explained. He's right. Tonight was supposed to be the highlight of the three day celebration but sadly, I can't join them.

"No worries, Jimin. Just tell your mom happy birthday, okay?" my mom told him.  He then held both of my shoulders and turned my body to face him. I hugged him.

"Relax okay? Everything's fine I promise. Don't worry too much love. If you need anything, just call me. I'll be here in no time. I love you so so much." he whispered. His embrace and words of encouragement always make me calm.

"I'll see you the next day then? Enjoy your mom's party. Don't worry about me. Those words coming from you is enough to make me feel less worry. I love you." I told him as I got out from his embrace. He then kissed my lips and then bid his goodbyes to me and my mom before he went out and drove away with his car.

I, then faced my mom and asked her the questions that keeps on bothering me since last night. I know she's hiding something. Her eyes shows sadness and she's on the verge of crying.

"Mom, what's the matter? Where's dad? Why are you sad? Did you do something? Is there any problem in the company? What--" I stopped when I saw her tears and cried infront of me. I tightly hugged her. The maids were looking at us, as if they know something. Why are they sad too? Seriously? What the hell is happening?

"Yenna" I looked upstairs and saw my dad. He came down to us without looking and just told me to go to the living room with my mom. He walked past us and made his way.

"Okay.... mom, dad... I'm begging you. Please tell me what's going on. Why are you like this? What happened?" I asked them as soon as we sat down. I'm sitting in front of them that it made me easier to study their faces and reactions. My dad hesitated to talk for a moment.

"I'm sorry darling." It almost turned out  to a whisper but enough for me to hear it.

"Why are you sorry?" Instead of answering me, he just face palmed and lowered his head. Minutes have passed but there's still no answer.

"I told you to answer me. What is happening dad?! Why are you sorry?! Why are you acting like this?!" I just screamed at my parents without me knowing. I know, It felt so wrong but I just can't help it. They don't want to talk and get this topic straight to the point. It really frustrates me, big time. I hate that I'm clueless.

"I'm in debt." He then started to talk. "I went to this casino everynight with my collegues. At first it was okay because somehow I keep on winning and getting as twice as my money back. Its kind of overwhelming for me. Until one night, I lose. I keep on losing almost everyday. I used up all my money. I even stole some funds from our company just to gamble. I became addicted to it that I want to do anything just to win and get my money back. Until one night, I was about to go home without a single cent when a man came to me. He asked and offered me lend some money to them. I borrowed to them thinking that I might win. But sadly I did not. I keep on borrowing but always end up losing. My debt kept on growing until I realize that I can't pay them back anymore. Its too big that even if we sell all our properties and our company, its still not enough. They even only gave me three days to pay my debt. If I can't give them the money they would kill me. I'm sorry Yenna. I don't know what to do anymore. I know its my fault and I'm very sorry." He cried. My dad was crying the whole time he was talking. Hearing those from him, I couldn't believe it. I know he's always in and out of the casino, like everynight. My mom keeps on stoping him but he just wouldn't listen. I don't know it is this bad. I am so angry at him right now but then I choose to keep my mind together and choose to understand his situation.

"How much is it? Your debt?" I asked him. I sounded so angry. I know he can feel it. He can't even dare to look at me.

" 300 billion" he said. I gasped. How on earth did he manage to gamble that big amount of money? We could've invest it to a new business. Or even buy a mansion or a beach house or damn! I lowered my head for a moment. I look at my mom. She's still crying. She didn't do anything but tried to stop my father from his gambling addiction. I think she felt like its her fault that she could not even stop him.

Now that things are out of control, all of us have no idea on how to get that money. Thinking of borrowing from Jimin's family is not a bad idea. But, I don't want to bother him or his parents for this kind of problem and mistake. I inhaled deeply before I decided to speak.

"Give me the name or any details of your creditor dad. I'll go and ask them to give us more time to pay it. Its a huge amount. Giving you only three days to pay is not enough. Its impossible." Even if I have to beg them I will do it. I can sense that my parents were afraid. This people might be some kind of loan sharks that I've seen on tv's. Knowing that they even threathened the life of my father if he can't pay on time.

My dad then, went to his office upstairs. When he came back, he gave me this shining black colored business card.

Choi Seungcheol
Chief Executive Officer
Coups Empire

(A/N: just imagine this kind of business card everyone lol)

I stared at it for a moment. It has no contact number. Even the company's address is not present. I stared at it sternly when a memory popped in my head. I remember this one, this company, the Coups Empire. My boss was dying to invest and proposed some business to them but we always fail because we can't set an appointment. I looked at it again. I sighed.

So it was him, Choi Seungcheol. My dad's creditor.  How can someone like this rich and respected CEO became a loan shark? Just damn! To think that my dad's debt might just be a coin for him. The thought about it makes me bother. I have a feeling that its gonna be hard for me talk to him. I have a less chance to meet him.

My company can't even set an appointment, and now, here I am. I know it's not easy but I have to make it happen. I have only three days.

"Okay" I stand up and face my parents. "I'll go there and try if I can talk to this man." My mom suddenly stood up and looked at me.

" Yenna! Don't! Please! You don't know this man. He's not what you think he is. He's--" I stopped my mom from talking.

"Mom please... I know you're afraid. But we don't have a choice. We all know we can't afford to pay that 300 billion. I mean, I'll just go there and try to convince them to give us more time. If I will not do it, We wouldn't be able to see dad forever after three days. They might kill him, and I swear to you I won't let that happen! I have to try mom, dad. Maybe, just maybe, they would change their mind."

After talking to them, I hurriedly went to my room and changed. I have to start my luck today.


Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now