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Yenna's POV

After excusing myself from Joshua, I immediately went upstairs holding the paper bag tightly in my hands. I don't know why but I am so nervous. All I could think is that I have a slightest idea of what Joshua's mom gave me.

I can't fool myself. I've been craving mangoes for weeks now and experiencing odd things ever since. I felt nauseous, I felt dizzy and I get irritated at some things. I've acting so strange and I know that this has something to do with what Dr. Hong was suspecting.

But I just can't conclude it right now. I need to make sure first before I decide what to do next.

Getting into Seungcheol's room, I quickly went to the bathroom and opened the bag. I heaved a deep sigh before I took out the box. Looking at it, I know I was right. It was a pregnancy test. Without a second, I immediately took it with me and checked if my instincts was right.

I waited for a few minutes getting nervous and excited at the same time. After feeling like an hours of waiting, I saw two red lines slowly appearing. My heart was bursting out from joy as my tears was now competing each other from falling. I covered my mouth in so much bliss as I rubbed my tummy softly.

"Oh my gosh." I unbelievably uttered in happiness. "I can't believe it."

In too much excitement, I quickly went out of the room holding the pregnancy test. I need to see Seungcheol. I want to tell him the good news. 

I went downstairs trying to look for him. But he wasn't there. I didn't see any of the guys either. After walking through the garden, I went back inside the house and came across his office. Realizing that I did not checked that room, I walked my way there. 

"Hyung, our men were all dead when we arrived. He was not there anymore. I checked the surveillance camera and found out that he bribed one of our men to set him free. After doing what he was told, he shot him." I heard Woozi's voice echoed as I got nearer.

The door was slightly opened that I was able to hear their conversation. I know its bad to eavesdrop but I was curious about what they were talking about. Besides, their voices were too loud that I can even hear it even if I was just standing from afar.

"Woozi's right hyung. Jimin successfully escaped and even stole some of our guns." Wonwoo then added.

"That's bullshit! How the hell did this happen! The headquarters were tightly secured. Our men were all guarding in every corners. How did he escape from them alone?" Seungcheol's voice echoed in anger. I jolted in my place when I suddenly heard him slam the table.

"None of us was expecting it hyung. I was even surprise that he was able to escape. He was still unconscious the last time I check him." Jun commented.

"Joshua, inform the BTS about what happened and tell them that I want to meet them all today." I heard Seungcheol said.

So Jimin got away and they were all looking for him. Well that's not good. He's probably planning for revenge against us at this point. Or probably forming some allies to get us.

Standing away from his office, I realized that it is not the right time to tell him about my situation. He's now having a hard time dealing with Jimin. I can't bear to see him thinking about me while he's trying to find him.

I decided to go back to the bedroom holding the PT in my hand. I put it back inside the box and decided to keep it for the mean time. 

"Let's tell your dad the good news some other time, okay honey?" I said rubbing my tummy once again before hiding the paper bag that contains the mark of my pregnancy.

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now