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Coups' Empire Hospital, Seoul

"Hi Josh." Yenna heard Dr. Hong's voice telling her that she's now in the room. "It looks like everyone of you is present."

"Yes, we obviously are mom." She heard Joshua replied.

"What happened to her?" Seungcheol vividly asked cutting off their conversation.

"Its positive Seungcheol. She is 9 weeks pregnant."

Yenna felt the lump of her throat as she heard Dr. Hong say those words. Yes, she knows she is pregnant, but she doesn't know that its already 9 weeks. It just feels so surreal that her baby is slowly growing inside her tummy. Thus, she can't also help but think now that Seungcheol heard it himself and he finally knew that she is pregnant. She wondered what will he do next.

"I know." Seungcheol's reply made her confused that she wanted to ask him. But then she realized that she was faking her sleep.

"You know?" Dr. Hong asked in surprise. "I mean, of course you know."

"What I wanted to know if she's okay and the baby." Seungcheol ignored her words and continued to asked. "What happened to her earlier?"

"You don't have anything to worry about Seungcheol. Yenna was just experiencing cramps which is pretty normal in early pregnancy." Yenna sighed mentally in relief. At least it was not bad as she thought it would be. "She just needs to rest and take her vitamins. Stress is prohibited and make sure she gets enough sleep."

"Is the baby okay, too?"

Yes. That was the question that Yenna wanted to ask.

"The baby is fine Seungcheol. Like what I told you, she just needs to rest and eat healthy amount of food. That alone can keep the baby healthy." Dr.
Hong said in assurance. "In fact, I'm allowing you to bring her home."

After hearing Dr. Hong's words, Seungcheol immediately ordered the guys to take Yenna home. Right there and then, while she was faking her sleep, Seungcheol carefully carried and brought her to the car.

"Do we really need to take her home right away?" Yenna heard Seokmin's voice full of worry. "Don't you think that she needs to rest here first."

"We can't do that Seokmin. You know why." Jeonghan responded.

Seokmin just sighed and went to the next car. Before they all started to drive off, Yenna overheard Seungcheol's reminders to his gang.

"Keep an eye on the road and be vigilant on your way. I've met few of Jimin's men on my way here. It won't be impossible that he'll do it again today." The guys responded in agreement and settled in their cars.

"Woozi, I want you to drive slowly. I don't want Yenna to wake up in the middle of our way home. She still needs to rest."

The latter just hummed at him in response and started the engine. Hearing Seungcheol, Yenna bet that Woozi was the driving. Well, it was possible since she suddenly felt Seungcheol's arms slowly wrapped around her while putting her head on his shoulders.

Everything was quiet. Yenna started to dozed off after getting used to Seungcheol's embrace. But then, after a few minutes, she suddenly felt the car came to a stop.

"See? I told he would do it again." Seungcheol murmured making her confused.

"What should we do hyung? Yenna is with us. We can't risk going out there and fight." Woozi uttered making her confusion grew bigger.

'Fight. Fight? Does that mean---?'


That was Yenna heard before she felt her body being slammed down the car seat. She got no choice but to open her eyes after getting dizzy at Seungcheol's sudden act.

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now