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Yenna's POV

A month have passed and my life is still the same. Nothing changed except how I acknowledge and call the people around me. Seungcheol— yes, he ordered me stop calling him Mr. Choi. He said he sounded so old everytime I call him that way. Ironically, I found out that we're actually same age which is why I just agreed.

I spend a lot of my time with him, mostly everyday. Morning till' night, he's always around me. And all I can say is that, he's a total jerk. He's an asshole, bossy CEO. In short, I hate him so much. A complete package of a dominant madman.

I seriously hate his dominance. He always wanted me to follow his orders. He ordered me to cook his meals everyday, make him coffee, prepare his clothes, fix his necktie, and everything. He even ordered me to sleep and cuddle with him until we feel asleep.

Above it all, I'm still grateful that he's not forcing me to have sex with him. Although he always tease and kiss me, it never came to the point where I could find myself lying in his arms, naked. Somehow, I am always praying that he'll never do it to me.

But, my work as his personal assistant was another story. When I'm in the mansion, he make me do things for him like I'm his wife. When I'm in his office, he would give me tons of paperworks and keeps on pressuring me about the deadlines. I won't last a day without getting drained with his orders. I sometimes think that he intentionally did it to annoy me.

What's more annoying is that, I've been spying and investigating him these past few days, but until now, I still have zero information in my pocket. He's not allowing me to go along with him everytime he deals some business outside the company, that's why I have no idea what kind of business he's dealing. I can't even check his office cause' his members were all keeping an eye on me when he's not around. His room is not much of a bit different. He installed a camera to watch my every move. Tsk, such a freak.

"Yenny!!!" Another annoying creature. I raised my head and faced Hoshi whose looking so excited.

Some of his members didn't even bother to call me formally even if they knew that I'm older than them. I scolded them many times about it but they never listened. They will only listen to their leader and not to me.

"What do you want, Hoshi?" I directly asked him as he sat beside me.

It's sunday today and it's my day off. I'm keeping myself busy with the books that I borrowed from Wonwoo.

He smiled sheepishly before he started to talk. "The others are waiting for us inside. We will have a meeting to plan Dino's birthday surprise. Come on, let's go."

Before I could protest, he took my book and grabbed me back inside the mansion.

We arrived at the living room and saw that the other members were already gathered. I looked around wondering why Seungcheol wasn't here.

"If you're looking for Scoups hyung, he went somewhere with Dino and Woozi hyung." I heard The8 answering my curious face. I just awkwardly smiled at him and decided to sit beside Wonwoo.

"Miss him already?" I snap head towards Wonwoo when he suddenly whispered.

"I am not. Shut up, Wonwoo. I was just wondering how come he's not here when he should be the one whose supposed to lead this plan. That's all." I told him but he just smirk at me.

"Defensive" I gasp frustratingly and smacked his arm. The others confusedly looked at us.

"Don't worry, Yenna. Scoups planned to bring Dino with him today so we can plan his birthday carefully." Joshua butted in after he drag the white board in front of us.

The meeting almost lasted for 3 hours. Everyone was having different ideas, opinions and suggestions that made us hard to decide which is which.  But, after the long lasting debate, we finally came up with a final plan.

Its almost dinner time when we finished and everyone got hungry. Mingyu, Joshua, Vernon and Jun volunteered to cook. And since I lose my interest in reading, I decided to help them.

"It looks like you're getting used to us now Yenna." Mingyu suddenly said while slicing some meat beside me.

I glanced at him and gulped not knowing what to answer. He's right, I was getting along with them these days. They made me forget what I am to them because of how they treat me.
"I almost thought that you're one of us now." he jokingly added.

The first time I came here, I condemned them all for ruining my life. Until now, the hatred is still here. I always remind myself that I don't belong here whenever I feel overwhelmed about their kindness. I hate that I'm slowly getting attached to them. I can't and I shouldn't be.

"Really?" I said trying to sound sarcastic. "But I'm not a murderer like you guys. How can you think that I'm gonna be like you?"

The bitterness of my voice made them stop. Mingyu's smile faded when he turned his gaze at me. I think I just crossed the line.

"Yes, we are a bunch of murderers Yenna. But we don't kill just because its our hobby. We kill people because they deserve it." his voice rasped while staring at me intently. "Don't you dare judge us just because you witnessed Scoups hyung killing someone inside his own company. That man deserves to die. He raped his own daughter and had the guts to sold her in exchange for his own life. We kill for a reason, Yenna. We don't kill for fun. Always remember that." He harshly threw his apron on the floor and left.

"I'll take care of it. I'll talk him, don't worry." I heard Joshua said before he walked out of the kitchen and followed Mingyu.

"Are you okay?" Vernon worriedly asked me. I nodded in response not knowing what to say after hearing Mingyu's words.

"He's gonna be fine Yenna. Mingyu's not the kind of person who holds a grudge to anyone. So don't worry about it." I looked at Jun and smiled. This man, because of his words, I was able to forget what he did to me last time.

I am not sorry for what I said but I am guilty. Seungcheol killed a man before my eyes and it made me fear him but I never thought that he killed him because he's a bad person. It makes me want to know what they do behind their businessmen facade. They're not policeman and prosecutors to judge someone's mistake and fate. They have no right to kill someone yet they do. So nothing changed the fact that they're murderers.

Mingyu said that they kill for a reason. If they do, what is the reason behind trying to kill Jimin and his friends? What is Jimin's reason for trying to kill Seungcheol and his members?

There is surely something going on between them. Something must've happened that leads them to be enemies. And that's what I need to find out.


Unknown POV

I'm walking through the dark alleys heading to my secret lounge when my phone starts to ring.

"Sir, I have some news for you." He said the moment I picked up his call.

"What is it?" I asked him as halt my pace.

"Seungcheol found a new girl to keep him company. And it looks like he cherish and protect her unlike the others." I raised my brow in amusement.

"You know what to do. Bring her to me as soon as possible. Dead or alive."


S.T.R.E.A.M Left & Right MV everyone!!! Lets support our Sebong's comeback❤❤❤


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