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Note: This scene is the continuation of chapter 15 ^^

( it is Seungcheol's side tho')

Seungcheol's POV

I breathlessly slammed the door close and went straight to the living room. I threw my clothes on the couch and took a glance upstairs.

'Should I go back and tell her to forget what I just said?'

I face-palmed and cursed myself for having that thought after what I just did.

I am not like this. I never let anyone control my emotions. Not even to a girl. I didn't give a damn about what they feel. I fuck them when I want to and threw them away after. But with her, I can't believe I became the opposite one. Her innocence and fragility is slowly taming the beast in me.

Yenna. She's like a drug. My drug. The more she restrains herself from me, the more compulsive I get. She's challenging and addicting.

Sleeping with her every night was the hardest. I always need to control myself to take her. Cold showers can't even help me. The girls from the clubs has no help either. I only wanted her. Only her.

It's funny to think but I've never been this possessive to a girl. Not even in my wildest dream. She was the first. She was different.

I wanted to make her mine but something is stopping me. I don't know why. I just felt like I don't want to hurt her. She already hated me so much for taking away her freedom. If I let my lust take over, she might hate me more. And I know that I can't let that happen.

I inhaled sharply as laid my back on the couch.

'You're a dead man, Seungcheol.' I uttered as I covered my eyes with my arm and continously fighting with myself.

I badly wanted to go back to that room and finish what we started.

Yes, I know I made the right decision but I can't get her out of my head.

As my mind were clouded of the things that was supposed to happen earlier, my phone suddenly went off making me a bit startled. I picked it up and answered it without looking at the caller.

"Choi Seungcheol." My brows furrowed when I heard an unfamiliar voice on the other line. I glance at the caller ID and realized that its from an unknown number.

"What? Are you surprised?" I can feel his smirk behind his words.

I chuckled as I stood up to get my other phone.  "I guess I am. I mean, I am used to get this kind of call from my enemies but, I just didn't expect that someone dared to call me in the middle of the night." I calmly said even if I smell danger from his voice.

Better know what he's up to before its too late.

"Oh my, should I say sorry for that?" He mockingly asked.

I scoffed and answered him with a pint of seriousness in my voice. "Yes you should. I really hate people who disturbs my sleep."

I took my time to text Woozi as I was waiting for his answer.

To: Woozi

'Track my phone and find out who was calling me. He seems suspicious. Do it now.'

"Trying to call someone to know me?" I frowned in suspicion when I heard him. "That girl who was sleeping peacefully inside your room. Yenna... That's her name, right?" My muscles tensed when he mentioned Yenna's name. I grip my phone tightly as I quickly ran upstairs.

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now