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A double update for you guys coz' why not?! LOL



Yenna's POV

For the short time that I was away from him, I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing. A blood on his hands caused by punching the mirror in the bathroom for no reason. He was not like this. He was never like this. The stare that he was giving me was strange. Too strange that my mind keeps telling me that he was not the same person I once knew anymore.

It started the day I woke up and realized that I was not in Seungcheol's mansion. The day I realized that he already gave me back my freedom. Without my knowledge.


I hummed softly as I opened my eyes and was surprised when darkness welcomed me. My brows furrowed in confusion as the mattress and the pillows smells so strange yet familiar. It was not Seungcheol's. I was so sure about it. I know I am in a different room and I oddly didn't like it.

Where the hell am I?

"Glad you're awake." I quickly got up from the bed when I heard a voice across the room.

I ran to his arms in surprise and he gladly took me in his embrace. My tears fell as I finally realized what happened.

'He gave me back my freedom. Finally.'

"I miss you so much Jimin. God, I can't believe I'm finally hugging you like this." he hummed in response to my words as we continued to embrace each other.

"How did I get here? How--" 

"I don't know. Jin hyung just took you home and that's it. Everyone has no idea how he got you from Seungcheol. Not even me." He said cutting me off.

I softly pulled away from him and took a look on his face. His eyes, his nose, his lips. My Jimin. I miss everything about him. But as I stared at his face in longing, the memories that happened between me and Seungcheol struck in me. How could I tell him that I am not pure anymore? How could I tell him that surrendering my body was probably the reason why he gave me back to him? How?

"You looked like you want to tell me something but you're choosing not to." I heard him spoke which made me cut my gaze from him.

I blinked my eyes multiple times and cleared my throat. "Nah. It's just that I can't believe that I'm here. It was just like yesterday when I was being held captive."

"Didn't you like it?" I heard him said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

I eyed him in confusion and suddenly I felt his hands ran through my collar bone. His eyes turned dark as his jaws clenched. The way I felt his fingers roughly sliding it through my neck gave me goosebumps.

A pint of scream escape from my mouth as I suddenly felt his hand on my neck and forcefully grabbed me back on the bed. I try to took his hand away but his grip tightened making me out of breath. I slapped his hand many times trying my best to stop him. 

"Jimin please. St- stop. I-I can't- I can't breathe." I told him breathlessly pushing him away.

Tears were running from my face and I don't know if I can't take it any longer.

"You lied to me." He suddenly whispered in anger. 

I keep on pushing him away as I was starting to see dark spots. My actions angered him more that he took both of my hands on my head and held it tightly. Leaving me nothing to fight against him.

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now