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Jin's POV

"So tell me hyung, for what reason that we all came here in Seoul planning how to get Yenna from Seungcheol, yet, you came home and brought her back on your own, safely." My gaze diverted to Mark when I heard his question.

The truth will come out. It will always end up to that. Maybe they will understand me. I was partly sure about it. What makes me nervous is if they found out what I was.

"It's a long story. Let's just say that Seungcheol didn't gave her to me that easily. In short it was kind of a business deal. He gets what he want, and I get what I want." The guys stared at me in confusion after hearing my answer.

They slowly stood from their chair and walked in front of me. My gang was actually. They were surrounding me and keep on staring at me in suspicion.

"You're lying." I heard Namjoon spoke. "You're part of BTS. His enemy. How can he let you talk to him and deal some business together?"

"He's a mafia and a businessman Namjoon. Take note, a businessman. If you got something that he really wanted, then that's it." I simply replied.

"What did you gave him in exchange for Yenna?" Jackson asked.

"The question is 'who' Jackson" I told him and they all looked more confused.

I slowly walked away from them and went upstairs. They called my name to stop me but I did not listen. I barely slept waiting for Seungcheol's call since last night. Now, after everything, I slowly felt the tiredness and exhaustion in my body. I'll just deal with the guys in the morning. I have to sleep first.

As I strode my way to my room, Jungkook grabbed my wrist and pulled me to face him. The way how he gulped nervously trying to talk something didn't go unnoticed in my sight.

"Nothing. You can go." I heard him whisper and ran away.

Before I could even asked what was going on with him, I heard someone screaming from my room. I quickly went inside and was greeted by darkness. I turned the lights on and saw Taehyung on the corner.

"Tae, what happened? Are you okay?" I asked as I quickly ran my way towards him.

Taehyung and I shared the same room together. I didn't notice that he was not with the guys downstairs a while ago. Guess I was too occupied answering their questions.

The door opened revealing the guys looking so worried as they turned their gaze to me and Taehyung. They quickly went closer to us and crouched down trying to calm Taehyung down.

"What happened?" J-hope asked me.

"I don't know. I just heard him scream and when I came here, he was like this." I breathlessly answered him.

"Hyung, what happened?" I heard Bambam asked Taehyung in concern.

"You can always tell us everything Tae. We're here to listen." Namjoon added.

Taehyung slowly raised his head and looked at us with his teary eyes. It feels like something really happened to him that he broke down and acting like this. His eyes roamed around us and his gaze dropped on me. That moment I knew something was up to him.

"I told you once that I have a twin brother didn't I?" He said those words without cutting our gaze. I can see the others eyed me in confusion after they nodded at him in response. Their gaze went back to Taehyung as he started to speak again. "Well I found him. He grew up in LA with my mom. I was so happy when the private investigator I hired found them after all these years." A smile crept on his lips as he told us everything but quickly faded when he started to talk again. "But just yesterday, he told me that my mom was murdered a long time ago. Someone killed her mercilessly. Shooting her right in the head in front of my brother. She's dead hyung. Someone killed her."

I knew finding that out must be hard for him. Everyone of us knew he was looking for his mother and twin brother since his father died. Taehyung said that his parents got divorced when he was young and both of his parents decided to take one of them. His father took him while his other twin was taken by his mom. Since then, they got no news about their whereabouts. He didn't know where they were and he has no idea if they are still dead or alive. I guess not until today. His father forbid him to talk about his mom or his brother the day they left but that didn't stop him to look for them.

It is painful for me to know that Taehyung would not get a chance to see his mother again. It really hurts a lot and I can feel his pain.

"I'm sorry for your loss Tae." Suga whispered at him softly.

Taehyung continuously cried in front of us, mourning for his mother. Seeing him like this can't help me cry.

"How about your brother? Do you know where he is now? Did you guys talk?" Jackson asked.

Taehyung slowly shook his head in response.

"Why?" Jinyoung asked in curiousity. "I thought you knew who he is and where is now."

"I can't bare to talk him after knowing that our mom was killed in front of his own eyes. It makes me hate myself. I was not there when he felt all those pain. I was not there when he was grieving and hurting. It was maybe traumatic for him. And the fact that no one was there to comfort him at that time, pains me."

"Don't blame yourself Tae. It's not your fault. Come on." J-hope softly said.

"No! If you only you see the look in my brother's eyes. The pain that he felt from the loss of our mom were still visible and fresh for him. Believe me, I tried to go to him when I found out what happened but he told me something that makes me hate myself. It was my fault! My fault! Not yours but mine! He hated me so much! He hated me because it was my fault! My fault!! Its my fault!" Taehyung screamed and cried at the same time. He was raging in anger and hurting himself to the point that some of us tried to stopped him.

Jimin who just came into the room quickly hugged Taehyung from behind as the others were holding his hands.

"Shhh... It's okay Tae. It's gonna be okay.. hmmmm?" Jimin was calming him down softly as he tightly held him.

Taehyung just keeps on crying. All of us stood there not knowing what to do. It's our first time seeing him like this. He was like a happy pill in our gang. He always smiles and positive in everything. Even me can't help but pity him. We all never thought that Taehyung was this fragile inside.

"I'm sure your brother would forgive and understand you Tae. Trust me." Namjoon said.

"No! Joshua would never forgive me. He would never forgive me, hyung. Our gang killed my mom. It was our gang's doing, hyung. We killed her. I killed my own mother."

That words hit me like someone just dropped the bomb right in front of my face. I looked at Taehyung in shock when I heard his answer.

"Joshua?" Jimin asked him in disbelief. "One of the members of Seventeen?"

A soft nod from Taehyung made my breathing stopped.

'Joshua is his twin brother.'

Those words kept on repeating inside my head as I ran away and went out.

I frustrating grabbed my hair as soon as I got out of the house with tears running down my face.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!!" I angrily screamed in whisper as questions keep hitting me like a thousands bolts of electricity.



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