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(A/N: The photo above is the one and only... Park Yenna ❤)

I am now driving my car back home. I glanced at my watch and realize that its already 2 in the afternoon. I blurted out a deep sigh thinking about everything that happened. I unintentionally touched my lips.


My eyes widened in panic when Mr. Choi kissed me. He released my hands and wrapped my waist pulling my body closer to him. I tried to push him away but he just held my nape tightly and roughly deepened the kiss. I heard him groaned as I didn't realize that I was kissing him back.

My mind keeps on telling me that this is so wrong as I am making out with a man I barely knew. The man who just murdered someone and the man who just claimed me as his. But I can't stop myself. I think I'm going crazy. His kisses were driving me crazy.

He took off my blazer and threw it on the floor with my bag. I felt his hands exploring my body. It traveled from my waist down to the hem of my dress. He suddenly squeezed my thigh that made me gasped in surprise and used this opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth.

I grabbed his hair as he trailed his lips down to my neck. I moaned as he passionately bit my earlobe. He put his lips back to mine and I aggresively respond to his kisses.

He was holding the zipper at the back of my dress and was about to pull it down when someone spoke from the intercom.

"Hyung! It's Jun. We have a problem. One of our men called and informed us that they saw a man trying to plant a bomb at east wing of our barracks. They already held him captive so we need to go there quickly."

I came back to my senses and pushed Mr. Choi away in shock. I gulped as I realized what just happened.

I picked up my bag and blazer without looking at him. Guilt rushed through me when Jimin crossed my mind. Damn it! I can't believe what I just did. I can't believe I just cheated on my boyfriend.


I shook my head trying to erase my thoughts. My heart aches as I felt everything started to sink in. I have to talk to my parents first to clear everything and then, I'll talk to Jimin after. I absentmindedly stepped the pedal and drove fast.

I rolled my eyes glancing at my side mirror. A black range rover is following me. These guys, Seungkwan, Seokmin and Hoshi. Mr. Choi ordered them to follow me. I found out that Hoshi was the guy with a 10:10 eyes. I honestly want to be friends with them. I think they're kind of cute and funny. Too bad, they're one of those killers I never planned to get close to.

Mr. Choi wouldn't want to me to leave his office. I literally knelt my knees infront of him and begged him to let me go. Thank goodness he agreed but with certain conditions. He ordered these guys to follow and guard me on my way while he was dealing with some business.

I parked my car quickly when I arrived at my house. The gate was locked so as the front door. Good thing I brought my spare keys with me, I managed to get inside. I anxiously looked around the house as I was greeted with silence.

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now