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Author's POV

"Wait what?" Jeonghan mumbled looking at Yenna's figure running up the staircase. "Did she just--?"

"Great. I gotta call mom." Joshua then, took his phone out and quickly dialed his mom's phone number.

"Please someone explain it to me. I don't understand what's happening." Seokmin interrupted glancing at the rest of the members.

Seungcheol on the other hand, was left dumbfounded. He was not not sure if he heard it right. Or if Yenna is just playing some pranks on them. Thinking that he wanted to be sure, he decided to follow her upstairs.

He went to his bedroom to check her but she was not there. She's not in the bathroom either. When he went out, he passed by the bedroom of her parents. He then realized that he did not saw neither of them so he thought Yenna might be lurking inside their bedroom.

He started to get frustrated after knocking at their door for so many times. Confusion then, grew upon him thinking why Mr. and Mrs. Park was not opening their door. It was even locked when he tried to open it.

"Mr. Park, please open the door. I just wanted to ask something." He said knocking on their door once again. "Please open the door or else---"

"Or else what Seungcheol? You'll gonna break it?" He was not able to finish his words when the door burst open revealing the annoyed face of the woman he's been looking for. "My parents are not here. They already went back home. Now, if you're here because of what I said earlier, forget it."

"Forget it? Mom said she's very positive that you're pregnant." Seungcheol and Yenna averted their gazes to Joshua who's now standing across them with the other guys.

They all compressed and went to Yenna's direction wearing a huge smile on their faces.

"Is it true? Are you pregnant?" Seungcheol drove his attention back to her after hearing Joshua's words.

"I,I.. I'm---"

"She is Scoups. Mom told me that the paper bag I gave you is a pregnancy test. Hearing what you said a while ago, the result is probably positive." Joshua interrupted again. "Why are you keeping it a secret?"

Seungcheol darted his eyes back to Yenna. At some point he saw that she didn't look guilty or something. But as he looked at her eyes, it wavered and it gave him some gut feeling. A feeling that worries him.

"I'm not trying to keep a secret here, Josh." Yenna started to defend herself. "Yes, your mom gave me a pregnancy test. So what?"

"Why did she give you that? Are you pregnant?" Seungcheol asked her nervously.

Before Yenna could even answer, Jeonghan suddenly spoke making everyone's eyes avert to him. "They said if the pregnancy test has two red lines it means that its positive. If you're really unsure of believing it, then let him see the result damsel."

"Right. Where is it, by the way?" Joshua added.

Yenna felt annoyed after hearing the guys. What made her more annoyed is the way Seungcheol gave her those unreadable stares. He looked like he's angry but he's not. She can't read him, but she knows that he is not happy about what he's hearing.

Getting uncomfortable of standing in front of them who keeps on throwing her tons of questions, she decided to excuse herself. After telling them that she'll get the pregnancy test, they all quickly followed her to Seungcheol's bedroom.

She took the pregnancy test from where she hid it. Holding it tightly in her hands, she handed it to Seungcheol. It took him a minute to take it feeling nervous about what he's going to see.

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now