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(WARNING: Expect some 'not so' disturbing bloody scenes ahead guys)

Please bear with grammatical errors and typos. I am not really confident writing this chapter since it is full of action scenes. It all about fight and guns and I have no idea about those things sooo yeah.

But anyways, I did it! I hope you guys would like it. *fingers-crossed*


Author's POV

"Get the girl now!"

Kim Hyun Seo ordered two of his men to get Yenna from the cell. The firing and shooting continues as they tried to hurled the couch and hid behind it. The exchanging gunshots echoed through the whole mansion.  Some of his men were now dead and a feeling of slowly getting defeated by Choi Seungcheol gushes over him.

As soon as he saw his men carrying Yenna, he quickly stood up and pulled her to him. But he stopped when he saw her unconsciously fell into his arms.

"Why is she unconscious?" He asked one of his men who guarded her in the cell.

"She tried to escape boss. She---"

The man wasn't able to continue his words when someone suddenly shot him right on his head. They all fell shocked as well as Kim Hyun Seo. The man fell to the ground with a loud thud. Blood streamed out from his head. He tightly held Yenna as he ordered his men to carry her out. 

"Bring her to my car. Make sure no one sees you on your way out. This girl is our biggest weapon, so keep your eyes on her. Got it?" His men nodded in response and quickly followed his order.

He then quickly took out his phone and called Jimin.

"Where are you?" He asked him as soon as Jimin picked up his call.

"I'm coming. I need to get some shortcut to enter your mansion. Seungcheol's men are everywhere. I have to be careful." Jimin replied.

"Fine. Make it fast. I need you here."

The moment he hung up, his phone rang. Jin's name appeared through the screen and Kim Hyun Seo knows it is not his son. Being hated to be named as a coward by someone he hated, he answered his call.

"I thought you wouldn't answer." Seungcheol mocked.

"Fuck you, Choi Seungcheol." He blurted out.

"Angry are we?" Seungcheol chuckled. "Saw that man in front of you? He molested and  tried to rape my girl. I gave him what he deserve." Seungcheol added as his anger was visible on the tone of his voice.

"Well, it's such a shame that it didn't happen." Kim Hyun Seo told him with a grin.

A loud gunshot filled the place followed by a painful scream from Jin. 

"What did you do to my son?!" He exclaimed hearing his son screaming outside his mansion.

"I'm just giving you a peek of my wrath smoggy old man. Now, release my girl before I change my mind and kill your pitiful son over here." Seungcheol said.

"What if I don't? Besides, your girl over here is almost lifeless." 

Seungcheol gripped the phone tightly. He is testing his patience. As much as he wanted to save Yenna as quick as possible, he knows its going to be dangerous for her. A man like Kim Hyun Seo is cunning and he needs to be wise on his next move. His gang on the other hand were just waiting for signal.

"Well then, I'm going to give you a lifeless body of your son too." 

He hung up the phone and turned his attention to Jin. "Thanks for the act but I want more Seokjin."

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now