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Yenna's POV

When Seungcheol left, I immediately stood up and went to my wardrobe. I took the pregnancy test with the real result. The one that I showed them earlier was fake. Gladly, they all believed what they saw. Being safe is better than being sorry. Or perhaps, I will deal with Seungcheol's wrath later on. I decided not to tell him the truth unless I make sure that Jimin's message is not true. 

I grabbed my hoodie and stuffed the PT inside the pocket. After wearing it, I went out of Seungcheol's room. I went downstairs and looked around to search the others but I failed to see any of them. I took the chance and went to the garage then threw the PT at the garbage bin. Of course not after I studied the movement of the CCTV around and making sure that no one sees them. I made sure I wouldn't be caught red-handed.

After a while, I went back inside only to see Wonwoo standing at the porch with his hands on his pockets.

"Hi." I greeted him with a nervous smile. I was seriously not sure if he saw me throwing something because the garage was just meter away from where he was standing.

"You look... nervous." He commented staring at me up and down making me uneasy.

I gulped trying to act like nothing. "Am I? I mean, why would I?"

"What did you do at the garage?" He asked eyeing me more in suspicion.

I looked back at where I came from and faced him. "Nothing. I was just looking for Seokmin there but I did not found him."

"Oh really?"

"Yes. I need to discuss something with him and if you'll excuse me, I need to go back inside. I still have to find him." I told him not waiting for his answer as I immediately walked past him.

Wonwoo is really the type of a guy who can't easily get fooled. He's smart and the way he stares at your being as he throw you some questions makes you spit out the truth. But on my part, I learned how to mask my guilt. I learned it after living with them for a long time. Its like I finally knew how to handle something like this. I can easily get rid of their death defying interrogation.

I walked back inside and blurted out a deep sigh. I felt like I needed a drink so I went to the kitchen to grab some water. It was still quite and it makes me uncomfortable. The CCTV's were creepily moving as I walked my way to kitchen. It feels like it was following and focusing in my every move. I know Seungcheol had been on the watch since these CCTV's was controlled by him. Everything was recorded in his computer.

As I put my glass to the counter, a familiar faces of Seungcheol's men appeared at the corner of the kitchen. I threw a look of confusion at them as they walk to my direction.

"Ma'am, boss wanted you to go to his office right now." I felt a lump on my throat as I heard them.

He didn't caught me right? I know I made sure that I will not get caught.

"Why?" I ask them regaining my composure.

"We don't know Ma'am. He just told us to bring you to his office immediately."

I nodded at them and cleared my throat. After a few minutes, I found myself standing in front of Seungcheol's office. His men immediately excused themselves as soon as I knocked. I opened the door only to see Seungcheol sitting on his swivel chair, seriously staring at his laptop. Probably doing something important. Business I think.

"Stay here. Aunt Mary is coming." I heard him speak without giving me a single glance.

"Aunt Mary?" I asked him. Sure I know nothing about his aunt. I mean---

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