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I just got out of the bathroom after taking a quick shower. I was on my way to my bed when someone took my waist and hugged me from behind.
A loud scream came out from my mouth when this person suddenly bit my earlobe. Fear suddenly crept inside me when I realized that it was a guy. I tried to get out from his grip but hell, he's just too strong.

"Get off me you fucking moron! Who are you?!" Gosh! I'm gonna kill whoever this bastard is. How dare he-

"Shhh! Love its me". He whispered while smelling the crook of my neck. I turned around to face him.

"Jimin?!" I was half screaming his name. I'm a bit surprised and thankful at the same time knowing that it was my boyfriend and not a thief.

"Jeez! You scared the hell out of me." I keep on throwing him weak punches but this guy just held both of wrists and kissed my lips before he pulled me to his embrace.

"Sorry love. I won't do it again, I promise. I keep knocking on your door but you did not answer so I asked for a spare key. When I came inside here, you did not notice me so I decided to pull a little prank on you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me." He hugged me tightly while he's explaining. I pulled my head up to face him and I was greeted by his cute little face with his lips pouting like a puppy. I pinched both of his cheeks cause I can't handle his cuteness.

"You should be thankful that I love you. And you should be thankful that I can't say no when you show me that 'sorry' face of yours love." He just kissed me instead of answering. I slightly pushed his chest to stop when I realized something. "Why are you here anyways? I thought you're going to sleep?"

Jimin loves to joke around the people around him. And him, being this playful always surprise me. We've been together for two years and both legal to each parties. Her mom likes to have me around tho' so I'm always present in every special occasion of their family. Like today, it's his mom's birthday and we're currently at their beach house to celebrate. It was so much fun. We swim and played along with his friends and cousins the whole day that it made me so tired. I really want to go to sleep but this boyfriend of mine probably drank a tons of energy drink. He's not showing any tiredness at all.

"I came here to tell you that you're mom called me." he played the strands of my hair as he answered my question. "She told me that you're not answering your phone." After telling me that, I walked to my bedside table and picked up my phone. I sat on the bed while checking any missed calls. Jimin also sat beside me. "I think you should call her. She sounded like its a very important matter."

I looked at him then to my phone. He's right. My mom called me six times already. I think I was in the shower when she called me. Maybe its something important. If not, why would she call me this late when she even knew the whole time that I'm with Jimin's family.

After a few minutes I decided to call her. I bit my lip while waiting for her to pick up the phone. I always do this when I'm nervous. I don't know why I am feeling like this. Jimin held my other hand tightly. I looked at him. He's smiling at me and somehow, it made me feel calm and relaxed.

"Hey mom!" I tried to sound happy as possible as soon as she picked up my call.

" Yenna darling! Finally! I'm so glad you called me." I furrowed my eyebrows . "Why mom? Did something happen to dad? Are you okay?" I nervously asked her. She never sounded like this eversince. And hearing it from her right now is bothering me. Minutes later, I heard her sigh.

"Can you come home tomorrow darling? I know you're not supposed to but your dad and I need to tell you something important. Please, just come home as early as tomorow." She sounded like she's almost begging. I turned to face Jimin as I answered her.

"Okay mom. I'll just talk to Jimin's parents tomorrow. I'll come home. I'll be there mom, don't worry." I felt Jimin's hand pressed mine with a smile on his face. I think he knew what we're talking about. After I hung up the phone, he just told me to rest.

"Don't worry about my parents okay? I'll explain it to them. You have to sleep right now so that you can get up early tomorrow. I'll drive you home okay?" I just nod and hugged him.

"Thank you so much for understanding love. I'm so lucky to have you by my side. I love you." He smiled at me and cupped my face.

"I am way more luckier. I love you so much my love." He then kissed my lips before he went out of my room.

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now