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Yenna's POV

I woke up feeling dizzy and having the urged to vomit. I quickly got up to bed and puked everything I thought I ate last night. All this morning sickness is getting me exhausted but it never fails to make me happy thinking it was because of my pregnancy. At least I know for the fact that my baby is still with me. 

After getting myself cleaned, I decided to go back to bed and sleep. But as soon as I came out of the bathroom, I saw Jimin sitting at the edge of the bed waiting for me to come out. 

"Good morning my love. Go get ready. I have a few people that I want you to meet. They'll gonna join us for breakfast today." He ordered and he immediately went out not giving me a chance to complain. I was left with no choice but to follow his orders.

Just as I was fixing my hair in front of the mirror, I thought this is my chance to escape. If he allows me to go downstairs, I'll have my chance to get out of here.

With that thoughts, I did not waste a time to go out and looked all over the place. Right in front of my room is a narrow hallway with a bunch of frames hanging on it. I slowly followed the path as I realize that it was the only way to make it to the other areas of the house. Trying my best to walk stealthily, I paused when one picture caught my attention. 

It was me and Jimin celebrating our first anniversary. I remembered how happy we were at that time. The way we looked at each other back then was so sweet. I sighed feeling grateful of the the memories that we spent together. But I must admit, this picture is now nothing to me but a precious memory. 

"We were happy." I almost choked when I suddenly heard Jimin's voice behind me. "Everything about us back then was perfect. I was planning to propose to you and planned to have our wedding at the place where you agreed to be my girlfriend." I turned to face him, meeting his eyes. "I envisioned our future together my love. And I promised myself, I will make it happen no matter what."

 "Jimin stop. You know it will never happen."

"It will." He reprimanded. "Come on, our guests are waiting."


I decided to observe the place first and follow him. That way, I'll have the chance to know every doors of this house and get the chance to fulfill my plan. 

We head downstairs and turned to the left possibly making our way to the dining room. I was making sure to roam my eyes and memorizing all the doors that I've seen. I was amazed how I called this place a house when this was far from it. Because for fucking sake, this is a mansion! Well I didn't know Jimin is that rich that he could afford this. Or maybe, I just underestimated him. His family were rich ever since anyway.

Without even realizing, we stopped by a wooden door. I saw him open it and we were suddenly welcomed by the noise coming from a bunch of guys, talking and laughing. 

"Oh, Jiminie is here! Lets's dig in!" I heard one of them chirped and I swear that voice was very familiar to me.

"I told you you hyung. You can start eating without us." Jimin replied.

He was standing in front of me that I couldn't manage to see who was the people in front of him. The moment he held my hand and pulled my to his side, just when I found out who were they. His friends. No scratch it, its his gang. The BTS.

"Hi Yenna! Good morning!" Namjoon happily greeted me. "Come on! Lets eat."

"Surprised?" Jimin whispered answering my confused face. 

"No. Not at all Jimin." I told him in full of sarcasm. He just chuckled at my response and pulled me to the table making me sit beside him and Suga. I was eating quietly getting my mind set for my plan to escape. 

I oddly have my appetite today because the food was all what my baby wanted. It was what I was craving for. Everything is very fascinating and delicious. I don't even know if Jimin has the idea about it. Plus, its impossible for him to prepare what I wanted to eat as my baby wasn't his. He hates the idea of my pregnancy and  I know he wouldn't care about my craving for food or anything.

"So, is everything set for your wedding?" My spoon and fork fell out of my grip as soon as I heard Jin spoke.

"Hey hyung? Are you still planning to do that beach wedding you told us back then? Cause I'm telling you, its not a good idea for now. The weather would be against you." Jungkook commented.

"Don't worry Jungkook, its a garden wedding. I already prepared everything so all you have to do is to be there. Everything is all set and ready." Jimin replied making my gaze whipped at his side.

All the bullshit he was talking about rang in my ears and I couldn't fathom how he was planning everything without my consent.

"What the fuck are you talking about Jimin?" I furiously asked him. "What wedding are you talking about?"

"Our wedding, my love. The reason why my friends are here. They'll be the witness our wedding, three days from now."

I unbelievably looked at him and stood up on my seat. He was wearing a taunting smirk on his face as he stared at me. He looked like he was really enjoying.

"Do you really think I'm going to agree to this bullshit? No one's gonna get married Jimin. I will not--- ahh!"

I don't know what happened. I suddenly felt a sudden pain in my stomach. Its like I've been stabbed. It was unbearable. I was holding the table support as I was caressing my tummy trying to ease the pain that I was feeling. But it was no help. Now that I'm on the floor, I started to feel my vision getting blurry of the tears and I know any minute now, I'd black out. 

"Love." I saw Jimin's figure in a blur, crouching down to my level. "Did you remember what I told you yesterday?" He whispered with an evil smirk. "The moment you woke up, that bastard is gone."

"How dare you?!" I screamed at him in a faint voice. How could he do this to me. My baby. My poor baby. "How dare you Jimin. How could--"

All I could think about was hell. This was hell. 


Seungcheol's POV 

"Hyung, are you seriously sure about your plan? I mean, if BTS makes one mistake, everything would be ruined. And noona will--"

"I am seriously fucking sure Seokmin, so shut it. Everything will be fine. Even if I am doubting about BTS, I know they won't fail me."

The plan has been relayed. The BTS gave me their word. Everything is all set and all we have to do is not to fucked it up and fail. That was the least thing that I wanted to end up with and I have no plan on accepting failure and defeat. I always make things work and I always end up winning. I just hope that the BTS is thinking the same too. If they're not, I will not give them my mercy. 

"Ready?" I asked the guys as I looked at the weapons being laid on the table. 

"Always, hyung." Some of them chirped in reply. 

"Let's get the party started."



Hello there! I hope you enjoyed this chapter❤️

Thank you so much for the love and support! Luv you!


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