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Author's POV

"Where's Yenna?" Jin asked Seungcheol.

It's now 3 in the morning. Just like what Seungcheol told him, Jin brought his mother with him in exchange for Yenna. They are in the middle of woods. The sounds of crickets and screeching owls can be heard around contrast to the heavy atmosphere between the two of them.

"She's inside the car sleeping." Seungcheol replied. "Where's my mom?"

Jin turned to his car and opened the backseat. Seungcheol eyed him as he quietly pulled someone out. The woman wriggled frantically from Jin's grip trying her best to get away from him. She wasn't able to speak and see as they covered her eyes with a cloth and covered her mouth with a piece of tape.

Seungcheol was about to go run to Jin's side when he gestured him to stop from his tracks. His jaws clenched as he sternly looked at Jin. He knew it was his mother. His heart tells him that it was her.

"Yenna. Bring her out, Seungcheol. Give her back to me first." Jin told him as he firmly held his mother's arm.He hesitantly went to the passenger's seat and opened it. There he saw the girl he didn't want to let go.

Yenna was peacefully sleeping. She had no idea about what was happening. Seungcheol sat on his car's floor in front of Yenna's sleeping figure. He quitely took a small rectangular velvet box from his pocket and pulled out the silver-plated necklace. He softly slid it around her neck before stroking her face with his slender fingers. He shut his eyes tightly never wanting to let her go.

"I promised myself that no one's gonna take you away from me. That I will kill anyone who would dare against me. But today, I have to give you back to protect you." Seungcheol slowly opened his eyes trying to suppress his anger from the thought of giving Yenna away from him. "But a promise is a promise, baby. Once I kill that Kim Hyun Seo, I'm going to take you back. Just please wait for me."

Even if it is impossible for Yenna to hear him, Seungcheol was still telling her his last words. He didn't want to let her go, nor he didn't want to give her back to Jin. He knows he can finish Kim Hyun Seo in just a snap but his mother's life would also be at stake. He can't lose either one of them. He can't and he wouldn't.

In full of hesitance, he slowly lifted Yenna out of the car and carried her all the way to Jin's car. He carefully placed her at the backseat and faced Jin after giving her his last kiss.

Jin just nodded at Seungcheol's grim expression towards him. After checking that Yenna was now placed in his car, he slowly dragged his mother towards Seungcheol. He extended his hand to him which Seungcheol undeniably accepted.

"Thank you for giving her back to us. I assure you, she's going to be safe." Jin said as he handed him his mother's hand.

Seungcheol gladly took her mom's hand who's still wriggling and shaking her body against Jin. He hugged her with all his might, just like he's embracing her for the first time.

"Shhh... Mom it's me. It's Seungcheol." He whispered to her as she tried to get away from him. Taking the tape and her blindfold off, his mother stopped and stared at him in confusion.

As Seungcheol was busy calming her mother down, Jin took the opportunity to leave. He quickly started his engine and drove away.

A tear escaped from Seungcheol's eyes unexpectedly as his mother slowly recognized him. "Seungcheollie? My Seungcheollie? Are you for real?" He softly nodded in response.

"Oh my God! Thank you! My son! You're alive! My Seungcheollie is here!" His mother burst into tears embracing him. He tightly wrapped his arms to her waist crying.

His heart was happy that his mom is back yet it is aching as he stared at the car which is now disappearing from his sight.

'I love you, Yenna. I'll see you soon. I promise.'

Mentally sending those words to Yenna, Seungcheol slowly unwrapped his hands from his mother. She held his face and stared like she was studying every part of him. He chuckled softly at her stares.

"I miss you, my Cheol. I missed you so much. I'm sorry if it took me so long to go back to you. I'm sorry. It was my fault. If only--"

"Shhh... it's okay. What's more important is that you're back. You're here now, with me. I want nothing but to see you and embrace you like this mom. And after all those years that I waited and looked for you, finally, you're here. You have no idea how happy I am right now. I missed you so much."

They gave each other a warm and tight hug before Seungcheol decided to take her mother home. She brought her to the mansion where his members are patiently waiting for him. They all knew his plan. Almost half of his gang were against his idea about Yenna. But when they found out about his mother, their minds changed a bit and understood him.

He held his mother's hand as he lead her the way inside his mansion. His members were shock and surprised to see him with his mom. They jaws dropped seeing him finally bring his mother back home.

"Guys, this is Choi Seo Yoon, my mother." His gang quickly bowed their heads to pay her some respect.

"It's great to finally meet and see you Ma'am." Jeonghan said with gladness.

Mrs. Choi nod at them with a smile. "You got a very courteous and thoughtful gang Cheol." She looked at them and then to her son. "I'm so glad that you have you're friends with you while I'm not here."

"It was just not us. Yenna noona was here too. She was--- hmmph!" Seokmin immediately covered Dino's mouth. He draggged him upstairs and awkwardly smiled at Seungcheol's mother.

"I think it is time for you to rest Mrs. Choi. The sun is going to rise soon. You need to sleep as well as Scoups hyung." Woozi said trying to change the topic. After a minute, everyone started to move and went to their rooms leaving Seungcheol with his mother alone.

"Let me take you to your room Mom." Seungcheol told his mother and led her to her room.

He opened her bedroom and pulled her to bed. They sat there quitely before he slowly rested his head to her mom's shoulder. His mother softly hugged him by his side tapping his shoulders like a baby. Seungcheol sighed in delight as he feels like he is now home. As her mother ran her hands through his hair softly, he couldn't help but to close his eyes.

"Who's Yenna?"



Update is every Wednesday my luvss. I can only manage to update once a week because of work.

Thanks for waiting! I really appreciate your unconditional love and support to my story. Thank you so so much everyone!!!!

PS: Stream "24H" caratdeulssss~~~~~~ Love you!


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