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Seungcheol's POV

My jaws clenched as I ran my hands at her exposed arm. It's full of bruises. The redness of her cheeks are visible on the each side of her face. Her right foot is injured and her forehead had a big cut. 

"I'm sorry babe. I'm sorry that I was too late." I softly  whispered as I took her hand to mine.                                                                                 
She was still sleeping. The doctor already checked her and told me that she's fine. Though it will take time for her to heal all these wounds and bruises, I was glad to hear that it was nothing serious. It hurts to see her vulnerable state. She suffered a lot because of me. If I didn't give her back, she could've been safe.          

My phone suddenly rang as I tucked Yenna's blanket properly. I glanced at the screen after taking it out from my coat.

It was Vernon.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"Hyung, I have a bad news and a good news for you. What do you want to hear first?" Vernon said.
"Spill it Vernon. Anything good for you guys is still a bad news. So say it."

"Okay. Well, the good news is that Kim Hyun Seo is dead." He started to speak.

"And?" I asked him.
"The bad news is, Jin was the one who killed him." He said.   

"Is that even a bad news?" I mocked.

"Yeah forget it." I heard him replied. "But hyung, there's another news." He added.       
"What is it?" I asked him again.
"Joshua hyung and Taehyung."

"What about them?"

"They fought and---"

"Look Vernon. If there's one thing that you need to remember, its 'not meddling with anyone's family matters'. Let them deal with it. Its their problem. Thus, Joshua knows what he is doing. Don't mind them." I said cutting him off.

"Okay, well---"

Just then, I saw Yenna mumbling and shaking on the bed with my peripheral view. I did not let Vernon finish his words as  I quickly hung up my phone and immediately went to bed.                    

"Stop please! Don't touch me! Stop!"

She was yelling and shaking as I tried to hug her and calm her down. She keeps on pushing me away and screaming like she was so scared at me. I did not bulge and just let her throw those weak punches on my chest.

"Shh... calm down baby. I'm here, you're safe." I said as I embraced her tightly. She's crying and sobbing. I can really tell that she was really scared.

"Seungcheol?" I heard her whisper as she buried her head on my chest.

"Yes baby. It's me." I answered.

"I'm sorry." She apologetically uttered. She's still crying as she slowly wrapped her hands on my waist while gripping my shirt tightly. "Please don't leave me. Please... they're going to hurt me. The guard, he will come back and he will---"

"Shhh... You're safe now." 

After a few minutes, I felt her arms dropped on my back  and figured out that she slept again. Her head was rested on my shoulders and I can feel her breath fanning through my neck. As I slowly move her back to bed, she quickly wrapped her hands to my waist tightly. Her brows furrowed as soon as manage to lay her.  I took her hands from me and laid beside her. I hugged her body closer to mine, gently placing my arm beneath her head as the other on her waist. Her face were back to being calm as she slowly scooted to my embrace. 

Stone Cold // Choi Seungcheol FFWhere stories live. Discover now